That would have to fall under a cost analysis..... and what managment decided to do.Furlough active guys before, then recalling them OR just recalling from the current furloughed list...
If they furloughed some guys first, they would owe them 2 months of pay and benefits.. Then upon recall they may have to pay for training on a different a/c maybe?? Two months of pay is probably about$15K or so. And then whatever costs are to train at FSI..
If they decided to flat out suck it up and recall some of the 495, they would definitely face the costs of Indoc, FSI, IOE etc....
My opinion is that even if these costs are in the $40K range for a recall. That is definitely less of a burdon than farming out the flying to an outside vendor..
I don't have numbers BUT what is the value of even 1 owner getting pissed and leaving (because of avoidable subcontracting) VS. incurring a $40K cost/pilot for a recall.
I would think that a multi million diollar contract is costlier in the end...
Hmmm. Good info, but I suspect management knows the comparative costs. Interesting thoughts, though.