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News: FedEx bid/new hires/meet-n-greets

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fareview said:

Who are these bogeymen in suits that commandeer people’s money and get paid 500k in bonuses?

Are you getting confused with the likes of Kozlowski, Skilling, Rigas, Ebbers etc.

Believe it or not the vast majority of guys and gals who work in the markets are remarkably similar to the pilots I now fly with. They all enjoy a cold one after a long days work; they are for the most part ethical and professional; they are well educated and at the end of the day they want to take home a piece of the pie so that their kids get a step up on life. Many of them, including myself , also serve(d) in the reserves. Are there exceptions? Yes, of course, just like we have them in our ranks or in any walk of life. But don’t let the headlines dictate your opinion on the people who work in the markets (I have dropped ‘the street’ for sensitivity purposes).

Fareview, good point. I know the majority of any group is usually good, hard working people. I'll limit my rants to the bad apples and the obvious cases of "bad-behavior." As I'm not a lefty commie anti-capatilist, I apologize for my previous sarcasm and if I offended anyone who works hard on wall street! Have a Merry Christmas!
Deuce130 said:
Fareview, good point. I know the majority of any group is usually good, hard working people. I'll limit my rants to the bad apples and the obvious cases of "bad-behavior." As I'm not a lefty commie anti-capatilist, I apologize for my previous sarcasm and if I offended anyone who works hard on wall street! Have a Merry Christmas!


Have a great Christmas.

fareview said:

Who are these bogeymen in suits that commandeer people’s money and get paid 500k in bonuses?

Are you getting confused with the likes of Kozlowski, Skilling, Rigas, Ebbers etc.

Believe it or not the vast majority of guys and gals who work in the markets are remarkably similar to the pilots I now fly with. They all enjoy a cold one after a long days work; they are for the most part ethical and professional; they are well educated and at the end of the day they want to take home a piece of the pie so that their kids get a step up on life. Many of them, including myself , also serve(d) in the reserves. Are there exceptions? Yes, of course, just like we have them in our ranks or in any walk of life. But don’t let the headlines dictate your opinion on the people who work in the markets (I have dropped ‘the street’ for sensitivity purposes).

Look, I mean this in a nice way, but you need to expand your reading to get a grip on whats going on out there. There are a lot of people in this economy who make 500k plus. The U.S. accounts for roughly 5% of the worlds population yet contributes over 20% of global GDP. To put that in perspective China reflects roughly the inverse. We are a financial behemoth. The reason for this is because we as Americans pull our weight. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a large corp., a member of the military, an accountant, a plumber etc. we all contribute.

The financial epicenter of this giant is represented by the financial services primarily based in New York (Chicago, Philly etc). Trillions of dollars in marketable securities exchange hands everyday. It is an extremely complex and high pressured environment. “Paper pushing” and “number crunching” do not get you a paycheck.. Taking risk does. Risk involves pressure – some people handle it better than others. The reason you get paid well is directly related to performance. For every guy in a good trading company there are a hundred trying to get his job. You are constantly under the gun to perform because if you don’t – you’re out – its that simple. If you think getting on with a major is competitive, try getting a position with Goldman or Lehman on one of their good desks. Thousands of guys and gals complete with their Wharton et al MBA ‘s are standing in the line.

Its called capitalism, it’s the only system that works well; (cue; Cuba, N.Korea, Zimbabwe etc for the alternatives) Heck even Mao’s masses are embracing it.

The difference between flying and trading is that I know now (subject to the health of myself and my company) that every year I will get a pay raise no matter how well I land the plane. With trading - age can work against you because pressure takes its toll. That’s why putting your financial future in the line everyday commands my respect.

They may not save lives or cure cancer or feed the hungry directly but the people on Wall St give their piece to Uncle Sam which pays for the uniform that you and I both wore. Commandeering our money – I think not.


Look, I mean this in a nice way, but you need to expand your reading to get a grip on whats going on out there. ...Whether you are an entrepreneur, a large corp., a member of the military, an accountant, a plumber etc. we all contribute.
The financial epicenter of this giant is represented by the financial services primarily based in New York (Chicago, Philly etc). ...The reason you get paid well is directly related to performance....
They may not save lives or cure cancer or feed the hungry directly but the people on Wall St give their piece to Uncle Sam which pays for the uniform that you and I both wore. Commandeering our money – I think not.

This is not intended to attack your character, or that of hard working professionals on Wall Street. Nevertheless, the people in New York that are making $500,000.00 bonuses eat lunch at the same restaurants as the folks writing the literature you are reading.
There is no doubt about the pressure they face and the skilled negotiating they do, but the world of REAL life does not revolve around them. The doubt, in my opinion, lies in the fact that men and women like you perpetuate the fallacy that their effort is worth that much money. The TRUTH is not found in any financial journal or CNN news broadcast, it is found in the corn fields and dairy farms. The TRUTH is found next to a cop or a soldier protecting your freedom and the freedom of those on Wall Street (and elsewhere). This is the same freedom they abuse everyday and think they are justified in accepting (and expecting) more money in a seasonal bonus than most HARD WORKING Americans make in a lifetime. The TRUTH is nowhere near New York or Wall Street.
I refuse to be told to thank those on Wall Street for my way of life, and I take offense that you believe I (we all) should. We in America "rest on the shoulders of Giants." This great nation was not built by the trades on Wall Street or the Trump-type financiers on either coast. It was built on the ideals and values of the teachers in our schools, the (true) public servants in our cities, and those that paid the ultimate sacrifice on the fields of battle. Pride precedes a man's fall. We should be careful of how hard we pat ourselves on our backs.
My recommendation to you is to cut back on the type of reading you are doing, get a REAL life education by going to a town meeting in middle America, and change your perspective of our history in America and who we should be thanking for what we have. We Americans have developed into what I call, "The rich kid syndrome." We expect to receive the fruits of our forefathers' labor without the proportional effort. Can you imagine the good that could be done around the world if those bonuses were given to those that really deserved it? Merry Christmas.
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Along the lines of the original post...

"Heard in the HUB" that there will be three classes hired in January. Then, expect 70+ per month after that for the foreseeable future.
rumors, rumors, rumors...

TrapAv8r said:
Along the lines of the original post...

"Heard in the HUB" that there will be three classes hired in January. Then, expect 70+ per month after that for the foreseeable future.

I always love hearing the juicy rumors at work, but either this one is inflated a bit (imagine that!) or Jack Lewis is kept in the dark again.

From his most recent email :

Expectations. Sizable bid (whatever that means) in March or so, 30 newhires a month or so, meet and
greets to resume maybe late January or so, Company earnings tomorrow morning…or so.


Having read your post, I am not insulted in any way but rather sighing in disbelief at the superficiality of your position. The irony is that without the markets and those that work in them you would never have flown the F-15 or a Fedex airframe - to which I will expand later.

You paint this Norman Mailer-esque picture of what true honorable life should be amongst the dairy farms and town meetings of middle America. You suggest that the world would be better off should the workers on Wall St. donate their bonuses to the nurses, soldiers (of which I was one) and police officers who serve our society.

If they did, then the impetus to come to work would not be there. After all why indulge in this endeavor if I end up giving it away to the ‘REAL’ Americans of this land. So now we have no markets because no-one comes to work in this evil world that is neither policing, nursing or farming in middle America. (As an aside should the training dept guys at Fedex who are bringing in $400k plus also donate their hard earned money to the nurses et al, also. I think not).

But you know what the real irony of your post is and it quite frankly reflects on the lack of intellectual depth that you possess – it’s this. The U.S. has run at a deficit for the majority of the last 30 years. When a sovereign economy spends more than it earns it issues debt through the global markets – in our case here in the U.S. we issue Treasury’s such as the long bond to the investment community. In other words if we don’t have the conduit to sell this security, we cannot purchase all the items within the budget. One of the biggest buyers of U.S. Treasury’s are the Japanese (they have had, up until recently, deflation, so 4% on the the 30 year is good stuff for these guys). So the money that buys the F-15 that you flew is garnered through the markets that you seek to assail.

But it gets better. You know that company you work for? Yep, the one that is a publicly traded entity on the stock market. Where do you think FDX (and every other corporation on the Fortune 500 list that employ so many people in this country) gets the money to invest in capital equipment to expand their profitable business from. That’s right my friend, they issue stock (through the evil workers on Wall St.) that investors snap up throughout the globe - that allows FDX to buy the aircraft and trucks etc that make it the great company that it is.

So there you sit typing away in blissful ignorance to the fact that you’re military and commercial career directly benefited from the system that you are so quick to attack.

So why don’t you do the honorable thing and go west to middle America, resign from the entity (FDX) that pay these Wall. Streeters the money to issue their stock and give up your military pension that is paid for by investors in U.S. Treasurys and go to that rocking chair on the stoop of the farm house in middle America and tell all the REAL people the ‘TRUTH” of how the ‘fruits of our forefathers labors’ are being pillaged and ‘abused’ by the ‘Folks’ of corporate America.


Fareview....you dolt!!!!

Norman Rockwell.... you a$$....not Norman Mailer

An excerpt from a website:


No record of "new journalism" is complete without mention of his 1960s ESQUIRE columns, essays and political reportage. He has reported on six sets of political conventions (1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1992, 1996), participated in scores of symposia, appeared and debated hundreds of times on college campuses, boxed (and fought) in several venues and led a vigorous public life in New York and Provincetown, Massachusetts, his current home. His passions, feuds, imbroglios, litigations and loyalities are numerous, notorious and complex.

You are really going to look like an outta touch East coast self appointed elite if you think the archetypical picture of America is written about by this guy. I believe you were thinking of Norman Rockwell, whose paintings adorned the Saturday Evening Post.....not Esquire. Geez the guy lives in Mass for crying out loud.
Laughing_Jakal said:
Norman Rockwell.... you a$$....not Norman Mailer

An excerpt from a website:


No record of "new journalism" is complete without mention of his 1960s ESQUIRE columns, essays and political reportage. He has reported on six sets of political conventions (1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1992, 1996), participated in scores of symposia, appeared and debated hundreds of times on college campuses, boxed (and fought) in several venues and led a vigorous public life in New York and Provincetown, Massachusetts, his current home. His passions, feuds, imbroglios, litigations and loyalities are numerous, notorious and complex.

You are really going to look like an outta touch East coast self appointed elite if you think the archetypical picture of America is written about by this guy. I believe you were thinking of Norman Rockwell, whose paintings adorned the Saturday Evening Post.....not Esquire. Geez the guy lives in Mass for crying out loud.

Nothing like tackling the meat of the debate instead of going after a peripheral technicality which does'nt detract from the spirit of the message. As to profanity, well enough said.

Norman Rockwell is indeed correct (Christmas Eve wine). I stand duly corrected - Thank you.


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