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ultrarunner said:
Why the heck to you folks have such a big hard-on for Teamsters?? Why the heck in this day and age, would you NOT form your own internal union?

Look at the couple of airlines that have them.

If I were at FLOPS, I'd take my chances with management rather than Teamsters. Good grief.
Some of us have been there, done that, and got the tee-shirt. And they are now working elsewhere because they got the boot. You see, during the organizing phase of an internal union, you got to do things yourself and this increases the chance of you getting discovered. (And a swift kick in the a$$ shortly thereafter.)

By organizing with large national union's backing, you can have them send out cards, letters, etc. and you can remain anonymous.(And keep your job).
ultra runner..........If I were at FLOPS, I'd take my chances with management rather than Teamsters. Good grief

I, and all 930 pilots here, just took a pay cut from management. (oh and i didn't even get to vote for the paycut) So what can you say to that!
I'd say something is better than nothing---and I'm talking UNION, not money.

ASAP ASSOCIATION of SHARED AIRCRAFT PILOTS makes sense to me. we've all heard that there's safety and strength in numbers.

Question: If all of the "shared aircraft" pilots belonged to the same union/local, what would their number (of members) be?

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