I appreciate your sage opinion, really. But let me point out that when old guys observed ICAO airlines' pilots flying to 65, they were all over that!! Greatest idea ever!! Now when some of us point out that these same ICAO airlines staff their rosters with something other than strict seniority, that's the worst idea ever?! Come on Laker. That's sharpshooting.
Source? Specifics? I know of no ICAO major carrier that lets guys go to 65 on merit alone. I simply don't understand your point.
The older guys wanted an age change for a variety of reasons - right to work, need to work, love of job, or whatever. Many ICAO carriers had been doing the over 60 thing for decades. There were plenty of U.S. pilots who wanted the same privilege, particularly when the pensions went away and even more so when those same ICAO pilots were flying into the U.S.
However, how that equates to some (some, not all) ICAO carriers staffing on an other-than-strict seniority bases is beyond me. Illuminate me, por favor.