Sctt@NJA said:Thats pretty annoying. If you think NJA pilots weren't working as productively as NJI guys up to, ohhh, about 3 years after the contract became amenable... you are just plain wrong. Working like dogs with smiles on our faces thinking "hmmm should be a contract soon! Bet it will be a good one!"
It was only after we had been screwed over good and hard for a long long time that the "pledge" was invented. Then things slowed down a bit and we got a real offer.
This statement of yours makes me want to vomit. Thanks and have a nice day.
I was referring to the nauseating practice of grounding the airplanes for bogus reasons, which many, but not all, of your Union brethren were doing. I have had several FOs come up to me on the ramp and tell me that was what their captain was doing, and that it was driving them nuts. Speaking of vomit.