Come on! NetJets is not "anti-fun" as you put it, matter of fact they want us all to have a great time - drink all we want, with one small rule: 12hrs prior to flying, no drinking allowed. So enjoy yourselves! Just remember, they only guarentee 10 hours of duty rest . . . so all you guys senior to me, go out and have a blast!
The Drug/alcohol testing folks are DIRECTLY across the hall from the indoc room in Easton!!!! What ever you do, don't hang out in front of the office!!!
A couple of weeks ago at recurrent the drug/alchohol lady came in to speak to us and she admitted that company will only test you at a gateway. Could be the first day on or any day in between. All the testing centers are 9 to 5, some 7 days a week, and the one in Vegas is 24 hours, ouch!
I started on the 17th and though I do have a number, I don't know what it is yet. The next class does not start until next week or later so I assume that the particular seniority list you have was simply put together and approved before we came on board, it was just published on the 19th. If I am not on the next one then I will raise a stink, but right now I will just concentrate on getting though class.
There are 10 of us in class, 4 Excels and 6 Ultras..... 6 EJM guys and four of us that have been waiting for over a year to be brought on (2 military, 1 Southwest and me..Comair).
Good luck to everyone trying to get on, we will all know more after next week as to our future
Thanks to everyone who has stopped by class(which has been a lot of folks) to say hi and congrats!!
starting pay is the same regardless of a/c sucks. But on a serious note, i think f/o pay is 26k or so and cpt is 36k. Dont quote me on that, cant rememeber.
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