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If you are flying the 2000 EX or the X or the BBJ I couldn't care less what you are making. The more, the better and more power to you. But if you bid the GIV CPT and hop into the right seat next to me making WAY more than me, you dang skippy I won't be happy. Should I be?

And by the way, Santulli won't raise the pay unless and until he's convinced there will be an internal IBT organizing effort at NJI. Still not holding my breath.....
RTRHD said:
I think you are correct about Mr.Santulli raising our pay also. I think if you had two guys in the same cockpit making way different salarys would cause hard feelings.:)
I do not think he has a choice. CS matched our pay.

The rules change. I think that is always the danger when working At Will without a union contract.

Leadership. I have to question the Leadership qualities of an individual that has a core of employees... pilots.... Employees that helped build the company. Then makes a business deal with Gulfstream Aerospace that cuts them out of the pattern.

I do not understand this type of leadership. I would have told Gulfstream to take a hike. We will do a deal with Dassault.

Just my opinion.
gutshotdraw said:
And by the way, Santulli won't raise the pay unless and until he's convinced there will be an internal IBT organizing effort at NJI. Still not holding my breath.....

I am very surprised to hear things like this. For a long time NJ union supporters were really pissed on here on this board. We were told get rid of your union and you will be treated great just like the NJI guys.

But I think you are wrong. He will raise the pay. I think you cannot see it because you are too affected. He has to raise the pay. It is inevitable anyway. RTRHD sees it.
RTRHD said:

If that makes you feel better, keep saying it. We here in reality will continue to refer to what is written and currently being developed as we write/read.
gutshotdraw said:

But if you bid the GIV CPT and hop into the right seat next to me making WAY more than me, you dang skippy I won't be happy. Should I be?
Not happy? Well, I wouldn't be unhappy with the NJA pilot sitting next to you. I'd be unhappy that you have no formal, legal way to represent your pilot group.

Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

"Mine is not to reason why, mine is merely but to fly. Things I can't control, I don't worry about."

These words will keep you sane when the unthinkable happens.
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gunfyter said:
But I think you are wrong. He will raise the pay. I think you cannot see it because you are too affected. He has to raise the pay. It is inevitable anyway. RTRHD sees it.

A pay "increase" is a very nebulous thing. Sure, RTS may increase your kiddy by an extra $1.06 per year (or whatever) but the question you have to ask yourself is, "Did he raise my pay as much as he could have?"

Without opposing pressure (industry peer pressure is not enough) RTS will NEVER pay you what you deserve.
I'd be pissed too..

Yeah, I'd be pissed too, however, I wouldn't expect you to hold that against me (I'm not implying you would).

All the NJI people I've met have been good people.

I consider myself a competent pilot (not the best like CS)

(by the way, thanks to the CS crew that let me share their sedan to ORD the other day, great guys),and I wouldn't anticipate having any problems at NJI.
I'll be in the right seat of a IV with four strips on reading The Money Mag....

While you are running around calling the company, putting in a fuel order, ordering a Lav, checking flight plans, I will be in the back eating Almonds and having a Diet coke; Reading The Money Mag....

I'll do that 3 or 4 years then say I'm ready to be PIC on the big bad G-IV.... Of course I'll be pulling down Class 4 pay all that time, just sitting there watching the big bad NJI captains do their thing...

Yep, four stripes on my shoulders means four stripes pay! No matter what seat I sit in.....

That's the CONTRACT!!!!!

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