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FAcFriend said:
You think the company is just sticking to the facts. Ask them to explain how 106k at year 5 was such a good deal?

I think the estimate for benefits is 15k per person. Which means this offer is about 91k at year five per person with benefits.

That was also working a 6 & 4 schedule to get that number. About 38 more work days per year. FAc - I think I hear BB calling. He's got more stuff he wants you to post.
You sure it's not BB posting? There are a couple of "so called employees" at NJA posting quite a bit.
Diesel said:
Oh my god you're biggest worry is jeans at the workplace? Dude just remember Friday is Hawaiian shirt day.

Include the rest of the quote next time Diesel...Like I said, its Stupid Little Stuff. The company does very well with the important stuff - no layoff policy, benefits package, taking care of employees during personal crisis.

That said, jeans were a quality of life issue for many in the casino, not unlike sitting around an FBO all day for the pilots when you want to be at the hotel watching TV, working out, sleeping, etc.
Hogprint said:
I'm very concerned that the union has taken an extremely negative, caustic, and derogatory approach in its negotiations with managment and I dont think these tactics will help you. Would you want to compromise and give things to a group that is personally attacking you and trying to humiliate you in public?

From my perspective, the union is taking the low road and management is taking the high road by repeatedly complimenting the pilot group on its professionalism and never degrading them in public. This is in sharp contrast with the unions approach. As Boisture has said in the roundtable meetings - its about treating people with respect. I just dont see that from the union.

What appraoch would you like us to take? We tried the touchy feely approach for the better part of three years with the former MEC. We gave the company relief on EVERTHING and I mean everthing they asked for.

What did that get us?

Come on gents...read between the lines. This is negotiations...

I agree Hogprint, it is negotiations. But that doesnt mean that both groups cant be civil to each other.

And I still dont buy this argument that the company has stalled on this for three years. If the old MEC was a bunch of company stooges that gave the company everything they wanted and 9/11 has just occurred - throwing thousands of pilots out on the street, why wouldnt the Company immediately press for a kick-ass agreement in favor of the company? They were holding all the cards....why not drive the dagger home and get everything they wanted (like the legacy carrier managements are currently doing)?

IMO, the union didnt want to do a deal during 2002-2003 simply because the economy sucked and they wouldnt be able to get what they wanted.....so they waste time going over every single article in the contract and bide their time until the economy turns around. Then they start to kick up a fuss, complaining as loudly and widely as they can about the injustice of waiting 1300 days.

Take your own advice Hogprint and read between the lines....the union was stringing this whole deal out waiting for better economic times to bargain....
FamilyGuy said:
Take your own advice Hogprint and read between the lines....the union was stringing this whole deal out waiting for better economic times to bargain....

Revisionist history at it's best folks. The masked company stooge strikes again.
"you don't know crap"
"fort fumble"
"owner services lying to our people everyday"
"some stooge in CMH that doesn't know WTF is going on anyway"
"trying to screw some chick ya work with."

You are a true professional. An asset to your cause and a great spokesman for the brothers, keep up the good work. I have no idea why anybody would compare you guys to bus drivers.

Starman said:
Originally Posted by FamilyGuy
Take your own advice Hogprint and read between the lines....the union was stringing this whole deal out waiting for better economic times to bargain....

Revisionist history at it's best folks. The masked company stooge strikes again.

Sounds like I struck a nerve.....

Why did you ignore the rest of my post....

And I still dont buy this argument that the company has stalled on this for three years. If the old MEC was a bunch of company stooges that gave the company everything they wanted and 9/11 has just occurred - throwing thousands of pilots out on the street, why wouldnt the Company immediately press for a kick-ass agreement in favor of the company? They were holding all the cards....why not drive the dagger home and get everything they wanted (like the legacy carrier managements are currently doing)?

Answer the question instead of trying to shift attention from the topic by attacking somebody....

Or are you incapable of forming a rational argument and defending your position in a debate?

Maybe that's the real reason why you havent been able to successfully negotiate a TA to your liking....
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Starman said:
Send me your extension at Bridgeway and I'll debate it all you want.

Oh come on, its soooo much better here in a public forum where everyone else can see that you cant defend your position.
Aw, C'mon Fred, you're diggin' this and you know it!

The pilots ARE professionals....they just let it all hang out here though. I think it's very interesting that y'all seem to want so much INFORMATION!!!

All of the terms you posted: ACCURATE

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