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Net Jets QOL

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Active member
May 23, 2002
Does NetJets work you to the bone like many airlines. 8 flight hour days? Basically I'm looking for a typical day in the life of a Net Jet Pilot. Sounds like Pilots love it at Net Jets, of course with the exception of pay. Thanks in advance.

Hours flown on a typical day?

upgrade time?


life at netjets

I am currently at a 121 regional carrier with no chance of an upgrade,which will make me a 9 or 10 year fo. I have done extensiveresearch both here, other sources, and have some friends atnetjets. They are all on different equipment, but all say whenyou are at work, YOU WORK. Long days not a lot of rest. Ihave questions as well. Why is the captain's bypass pay goingaway or non-existent. Did we just miss the boat? Why arethe upgrades going so senior, and how does captain's bypass paywork? Does someone have to be junior to you as a captain on yourequip or another equip. I am not fully understanding how someoneis there 3 months and gets captain's pay and others have been there 2yrs and are still on fo pay? Can someone help me out and let meknow the REAL truth- no sugar coating -Much aprreciated -lowlife eaglecrj fo.

A typical tour may go something like this....

Day 1 get a call at 0200 for a 0400 show at the terminal. Airline across the country at 0600 to pick up an airplane. Meet up with the other pilot at the plane and you have 1 hour to get it ready to go with pax waiting in the FBO. Fly 4-5 legs that day and finish up who knows where at 14 hours of duty. 10 hours later you are at the FBO doing it all over again.

Day 2-6 plan on working 14 hours a day with 10 hours off in between each day.

Day 7 fly a couple of legs on one coast and airline all the way home to another so you arrive at 14 hours of duty. Then you are off for 7 days if you are senior enough to hold the 7/7 schedule. I'll leave the 17 day and Flex schedule for others to explain. We can fly 10 flight hours in a day, but most pilots view it from a leg standpoint. It's more work turning the airplane than sitting on your Azz.

As far as upgrading is concerned, anyone who is hired from here on out will most likely not upgrade for at least 5 years, unless there is a mass exodus of captains. The bypass pay used to be the norm since there was about a 20% turn over rate of pilots per year prior to 9-11. It basically allowed a First Officer to receive captain's pay if someone junior upgraded in a different fleet. We have 2 year seatlocks which allowed for this. 3 months to make captains pay will not happen now. Anyone coming to NJA should plan on Fisrt Officer pay starting at $27K and capping out at about $31K at year 5. There are no further pay increases in the First Officer pay scale after year 5!

Most of the guys being hired now are retired airline pilots who will more than likely quit after a couple of years. The company is having a tough time recruiting pilots with that embarrassing pay scale. If you go to an interview and they claim you will make $40K in the first year and you will make by-pass pay within 6 months to a year, they are lying!!!

My suggestion to anyone who wants to work at NJA is this. Apply, go to the interview and do the best you can. When you are called and offered a job with a class date, make up some excuse about your family and needing some time off. Ask if you can delay the start date for 6 months to a year. As soon as the contract is ratified and you like what you see, call up the brain trust and say you have your family affairs in order and are ready for a class date.

Hope this helps.
hey liv4flying- thanks so much for the info. I do not mind the long days, it's the horrible pay that sucks. Our pay at the beagle is even worse if you can believe it, however at the completion of my fifth year this march 2005 I will have pulled down 38+. There are several ways you can work the system. I am soon to be displaced to the emb (long explanation I will save you the pain), and will hold weekends, 3on4off, until I eventually before I am captain, who knows when. Thanks again and yes your info helps. My concerns are the contract, or lack thereof because eagle got screwed on contract negotiations also; and the pay, upgrade.
Have fun

I realize you dont want people coming to NJA right now, but come on. I have been here 6 years,(Yes my apps are out elsewhere) and I have NEVER had a tour like you have described. 2 14-10's is my limit and I call in fatigued. Never has it been questioned. My days are usually long, 12 hours or so with the occasional 14. Rest usually is longer than 10, not more than 14. I can usually plan on a day or 2 on standby with a broken plane each trip. If they are truely doing to you what you wrote, contact your union rep, and call in fatigued, you arent fit for duty after a day or 2 of that.
2 14-10's is it for me. Done can't do anymore.
CE750Driver said:

I realize you dont want people coming to NJA right now, but come on. I have been here 6 years,(Yes my apps are out elsewhere) and I have NEVER had a tour like you have described. 2 14-10's is my limit and I call in fatigued. Never has it been questioned. My days are usually long, 12 hours or so with the occasional 14. Rest usually is longer than 10, not more than 14. I can usually plan on a day or 2 on standby with a broken plane each trip. If they are truely doing to you what you wrote, contact your union rep, and call in fatigued, you arent fit for duty after a day or 2 of that.
It doesn't really matter if I want people coming to NJA right now or not. I am trying to give the guy factual information instead of all the lies that many newhires have been told. Fact: Our contract says we can be worked up to 14 hours of duty with 10 hours off. Does it happen? Yes, often. I didn't indicate that you couldn't call in tired, I do. If you put yourself in his shoes, he will be a newhire possibly flying with a 6 year captain that is willing to fly over 14 hours and do those 10 hour turns or my favorite (Show at Legal) where you really didn't get 10 hours off. Not every brilliant captain here has the balls to call in tired and subjects the other pilot to their BS. We do have an A-team alive and well.

On to the other issues. I rarely sit standby, there always seems to be an airplane or an airline if one breaks. When I have a good airplane and nothing is going on, it's Hot Standby at the FBO until 12 hours are up so I can show at legal. They love doing that. My point is, what happens and what should happen many times don't happen. Just trying to prepare him for what very well could happen.
Thanks again for the info. Realistic or not I at least have an idea of at least one pilots view and opinion. I appreciate the facts and no sugar coating. Overall sounds like morale is good at Net Jets. Thanks again ....Keep the info coming...good stuff here.
you are right on there

Hit the nail on the head on the fact that if you let them work you that much, they will try. We all know some go to guys that do it often. I just didnt think that your post looked like a "typical" week. Betcha it looks like some of the go to teams though.

My guess is you get the QOL that 24K/yr gives.

does that not say everything you need to know?

**Hopefully this all changes in the near future** these guys need to double thier current salaries then start talking raises from there.

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