Hmm... So you're saying that a pilot could be terminated for "allegedly" posting classified information about an owner?
Here's a little info for you there Deputy Barney:
Lets say I want to be Barrack Obama...
Prove its me! And then prove I did it, and it wasn't my 17 year old son. Or the neighbor who always uses my computer.
- I go to the Apple Store (Macs' rock!) and buy a mac.
- I register the computer using his name and Pennsylvania Ave address.
- I pay ten bucks and join FI, and create a user name Barrack H. Obama, and upload a his photo.... Bingo! Im the Prez.
Now, if a pilot admits they were the ones who made the posts, then that changes the dynamics.
Reading your previous posts, we don't have to work too hard to know your name, and your past union life.
Change your mind about quitting?