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Multiple flame outs in the FL region that day?

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laterallymobile said:
Anybody know if they had the cowls/anti ice on when the engines flamed out?

I don't know of the cowl a/i system was on or not. The engines flamed out when the plane stalled. There was inadequate airflow due to low airspeed and high AOA at high altitude.

Going2Golf pretty much summed it up. They didn't do the procedures correctly. Not only the memory items but also the QRH procedure too.

It was a totally preventable accident.

laterallymobile said:
Have a clue, we are talking about the beechjet not the two guys swaping seats.

I do have a clue and 3000 or so hours in a CRJ as well as some time in a Beechjet.
I know that we are not talking about 2 guys jumping around and goofing off. But the subject of CoreLock came up and someone previously said something along the lines of corelock bringing down a pinacle CRJ. While Corelock may be a factor in not getting the engines started it didnt "bring it down".
I think that the guys in the BeechJet Glider did a fantastic job, I have nothing but respect for them and hope I could do as well put into a similar situation.
One can train for emergencies all they want, but when one happens, one better have good instincts because initially that is all that you will have to go on.
Is there a NTSB Prelim. report on this yet? (Not the 41 it Dudes - the Beech)? Can't find one. Post the link if you have it. Thanks.
Going2golf, that was not directed towards you and I don't care how much time you do or don't have. You need a thicker skin.

As for the rest of your comments they are spot on
how about?

Has anyone seen the Discovery channel program where they were searching for Flight 19 (I think that is the #) which was a flight of 5 Dauntlesses that got lost and went down at sea. They weren't sure if it went down in the keys or off the coast in the atlantic, but they found a group of them on the seafloor of the east coast of FL. They theorized that large pockets of methane rising out of the seabed and then up into the atmosphere cause their engines to quit. Then they went on to put a radial engine on a test stand and found out that surprisingly small concentrations of methane in the intake air would shut the engine down.

I heard that the report of 3 other engine flameouts (not dual) in the vicinity and timeframe of the Flight Options beechjet came from the FAA when Flight Options called to report the incident. I also read a report that an S 76 lost both engines over the gulf near Texas, on Sunday I think. They ditched and were rescued several hours later, after dark, by the Coast Guard.

What are the odds of 7 turbine engines failing in an area, over water, or near water in two days? I wonder if the engines would have any telltale signs of damage if caused to fail by ingesting air with a disproportionate concentration of methane? Questions I don't know the answer to, but they would be worth investigating I think. Unless of course this is all a big conspiracy to protect the routes over water and coastal areas from being shut down by the government....haha...had to throw in a conspiracy theory.

Kudos to the crew for keeping it together and making the field...and to the controllers involved. Anyone who has DIRECT knowledge of these events please pass along any details to us here!

And lastly, why don't the preliminary details of these incidents appear on the faa.gov preliminary accident and incident data page like all other incidents do? Usually stuff is on there the next day after it happens.

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