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having a union has nothing to do with furloughs. Hopefuly we won't. We have a unique business plan, this aint the first storm we had to sit through.

You are right, having a union has nothing to do with the concept of furloughs.

However, if furloughs were to occur, a union contract will force a higher number of furloughs to occur because the payroll bucket will be much larger and the wealth can't be spread out. Only once have I seen a union proactively take a contract concession to save jobs, it is the exception rather than the norm. The union will almost always sacrifice the bottom third of the seniority list to save the high salaries of the remaining pilots.
That's called seniority.
You are right, having a union has nothing to do with the concept of furloughs.

However, if furloughs were to occur, a union contract will force a higher number of furloughs to occur because the payroll bucket will be much larger and the wealth can't be spread out. Only once have I seen a union proactively take a contract concession to save jobs, it is the exception rather than the norm. The union will almost always sacrifice the bottom third of the seniority list to save the high salaries of the remaining pilots.

however, management still retains their salary, which is always higher than all the pilots salary combined. So the union doesn't sacrafice anyone. Management is the ones that sacrafice the bottom 3rd of the senioity list because it will make the bottom line look better.
You get what you pay for.

however, management still retains their salary, which is always higher than all the pilots salary combined. So the union doesn't sacrafice anyone. Management is the ones that sacrafice the bottom 3rd of the senioity list because it will make the bottom line look better.

Pilots are responsible for the flight they are on.

CEOs are responsible for all the pilots and employees of the company, and the owners, and the stockholders, and the rest of the non-pilot employees. Do the math.

Pilots are always touting that you get what you pay for in a pilot. CEOs are no different. You want an inexpensive CEO? You'll get what you asked for.
That's called seniority.

Yep, keep the weak pilots because order of hire is more important than flying talent.

One of my great disgusts of dealing with unions is how a greivance committee will fight the firing of a pilot when the union members themselves think he's an idiot. Seen it more than once. Keep the weak, keep down the talented. It's the union way.
like iv'e said....that's why you need unions. Pilots need to be paid well. Management continues to screw everyone else.


game over, thread needs locked now.
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Now I know B19 is Bob19....

Yep, keep the weak pilots because order of hire is more important than flying talent.

One of my great disgusts of dealing with unions is how a greivance committee will fight the firing of a pilot when the union members themselves think he's an idiot. Seen it more than once. Keep the weak, keep down the talented. It's the union way.

During the Campaign for Union Representation, Bob19 stated repeatedly how he was an Air Force Top Gun, how he was only use to associating with the best, how we needed to thin the herd to retain only the best.

Then the question was put to him as to what would happen if say we got rid of the bottom 10% of the Pilot talent pool (with Bob19 being the judge). What would happen next year? Wouldn't there be a new bottom 10%? In 5 years using this methodology, wouldn't we be half way (50%) thru the current talent pool presently on the property?

Bob19 had no answer for this question.

Bottom Line: For the most part, a Pilot is a Pilot. If we can pass our minimum required standards, that should be enough. Each of us have our strengths and weaknesses. We are all individual people.

But what Bob19 wants the ability to do, is to select who he keeps on the property and who he kicks off, without the review of an independent body. This smells of a God complex; that he thinks because he was the best of the best, that he should be the one to decide who stays and who goes.

Well B19, its not the top 5% that makes the operation operate. It is the average Pilot just going about his daily duties. Something most of us would have been perfectly happy doing if we hadn't been abused by YOU and Scheeringa.

As a result of that abuse, "You got what you asked for...." A Union. And we ain't going away.

Once we get our Contract, it will be YOU that is out the door. Perhaps you realize this; that could explain why you are fighting so hard to splinter this Pilot group, in an attempt to prevent us from obtaining a Contract.

Once again, you under estimate the resolve of this Pilot Group.

We will obtain a Fair Contract or the Doors will be closed.

Freedom is Not Free
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Yep, keep the weak pilots because order of hire is more important than flying talent.

One of my great disgusts of dealing with unions is how a greivance committee will fight the firing of a pilot when the union members themselves think he's an idiot. Seen it more than once. Keep the weak, keep down the talented. It's the union way.


Yep, keep the weak pilots because order of hire is more important than flying talent.

One of my great disgusts of dealing with unions is how a greivance committee will fight the firing of a pilot when the union members themselves think he's an idiot. Seen it more than once. Keep the weak, keep down the talented. It's the union way.
Its incomprehensible to me, that someone would go to work with the intention of screwing up or causing problems.
Everyone has a bad day every now and then.
The thought of having a sanctimonious weirdo like Bob, sitting in judgement of my actions sickens me.
IMHO unions provide a fair system of due process and provides the collective strength of the entire membership when one of us has a bad day.
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