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Moral sinking at FLOPS

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Name calling is usually the sign of a weak mind.
as soon as management takes a pay cut, ill take a pay cut.

otherwise it will never happen.

The amount of money we throw away on just "crap"......our salaries don't even register on the scale yet.
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I have had 19 on Ignore for a very long time. Trust me, it feels even better.

I love a "gunfyter" who will take a shot at me and then put me on ignore to hide from the truth.

That's not a gunfyter, it's a sniper.
You are calling NJW a idiot??? Wow big man, tough talk. NJA is still making money and I don't see how you can call for furloughs. Oh, I forgot you are branching out with your speading of FUD. Why don't you just stick to talking about, what you think you know something about smart guy, stick to FLOPS, idiot!!!!!

No tough talk, just calling it as I see it.

She states what I write is FUD while she is calling for an industry leading contract at FLOPS while they are laying off pilots.

If that's not being an idiot, nothing is.
Actually Bob19...

No tough talk, just calling it as I see it.

She states what I write is FUD while she is calling for an industry leading contract at FLOPS while they are laying off pilots.

If that's not being an idiot, nothing is.

As if you didn't know, the Layoff is nothing more than a Negotiating Tactic.

Cut the bottom quarter off the list, and make the new bottom quarter fear for their Jobs. Then put before them a substandard Contract, that you hope your Fear Tactics taking out their Brothers, will take hold, and they will vote for less than they deserve, for fear that if they do not, the terrorists of Flight Options Management might layoff more in retaliation.

Any novice can set up circumstances to make a desired effect look more desirable.

Can't you come up with something more advanced than this old management strong arm pattern of behavior?

Just a replay in another form of last years Pre Peak Travel Season Management Game.

Last year you Fired 3 Union Committee Chairman within a 3 week period just before Peak Travel. When that didn't have the desired effect, you took out 70 Hostages in 1 day, to try and break the will of the Pilot Group. And when that action was rebuffed by the Threats from Teamsters National to file enough lawsuits to shut you down, you reinstated those Pilots, with back pay. Now a layoff just before Peak Travel to attempt to generate Fear among the Rank and File to "Tow the Line" and turn a blind eye to your desire to run a less than legal operation?

Oh, The Humanity........

Freedom is Not Free
The general consensus I'm getting from the pilot group at FLOPs is that this may be the final chapter. Many are now convinced that FLOPs ain't gonna make it. If this was a 'tactic' I think it was a BAD play!
I am sorry, but I have to disagree.. Given the current economy and the loss of owners from all fracs, I think some of the furloughs were necessary. Do I think that 23% was needed? Probably not... I believe some of those furloughs were "fear factor"..

Either way, it's our guys and gals on the streets, while flops mgmt still makes $$$.. That is sickening..
The business

I have been tracking flight activity on flightaware for flight options and netjets. all flying is significantly down. Proportionally, in the past month, FLOPS has been flying about 17-20% of their fleet on average. NJA, about 10-14%. Obviously this data is based on estimated numbers of ac available for each fractional but they are not far off.
Cards are refundable and the money sits on escrow, Fractins are also refundable, minues re-marketing fees. All these contracts are nearly identical so it is not fair to say that only FLOPS is loosing clients. If that was true, then the average of airborne aircraft for NJA would be significantly higher...
I do believe that FLOPS will get a contract, I do not believe that FLOPS will get a NJA contract and truthfully, I doubt that NJA would get their contract if they were doing it so under the actual financial times.
It will be tough times for everyone and I am imensely sensitized by the loss of many of my colleagues.
To them, I wish we are all wrong with our doom and gloom predictions.
Capt Spike

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