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Mesaba's Latest

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I think your info on the rate at which saabs are leaving may be exaggerated. Unless the company has been released from some leases early (and we don't know about it) the original schedule is for all A models to be gone by Oct. 04, the straight B's by 07, leaving 51 B+ saabs. I don't think we have 20 A's left so we shouldn't be losing 20 more by this summer. This was the published schedule a couple months ago. As tough as it is right now it has been worse in the past and it will be better in the future.

I would suggest anyone that wants to work at a regional, go to Comair or Skywest or ASA. If Mesaba ever hires again in the near future due to displacements, I'd stay away. Some pilots are on their 2nd furlough here in a period of 6 months. If that's not some sort of a sign, then I don't know what is. Everyone is on there own over here and it's going to get worse.
pilots like thandle

Nice job thandle. Life must be impossible for you by the sounds of your constant whining. I would think you were without a job living on the streets. I can't believe ungrateful people like yourself have jobs. I am sure you smile when you go to work?! There are many out there that would love to have your job.
Why can't you be fortunate and feel lucky to be flying? Maybe your not aware of all the high time pilots out there without flying jobs working in fields that have nothing to do with aviation just to support the family.They don't have a choice but they still have to handle their business and provide . Who is making you stay? Let me guess it's the seniority number? If it's to tough why not get out and end you misery. Your complaining is hurting the dreams and hopes of others who every day strive and bust there ass to just get a shot at where your at.
T handle I envy your job (which I am sure you worked hard for) but not your poor, negative, selfish attitude. To those out there that are not as fortunate as thandle I apologize now for his ignorance when looking at the whole REAL picture. I'll smile for you and be thankful........... things could be much worse,but I am grateful. Have a great day!!;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
It is his right to bitch. He is a pilot


The real picture and the real problem is that us pilots will put up with all this crap because we love to fly. Getting hired at a regional and making the same money as a burger flipper tells us about our profession. Hell, we use to have pilots pay for their jobs. Unless these pilots at the regionals stand up for fair compensation and work rules things will never get better. 90% of new hire f/0's are happy as hell when they start class. Afrer 6 months they get a little tired. After a year they are just plain angry. Where is my upgrade? Why do I get paid so bad? Why am I never home? I have no retirement.. How long have you been at an airline?

I was sitting here wondering if you have ever worked for an airline before? Comments like "You should be happy you are just flying", is what has gotten us into some of this mess in the first place, and just being happy to be flying doesn't pay my mortgage, car payment, or my utilities. True it's fun to fly, but you have to be realistic and after the euphoria of getting an airline job wears off, you really want to get paid a professional salary for doing a professional job. Something tells me that after a few years of this, you'd feel the same way. Most of the FO's over here have been flying for poverty wages for many years and we are finally standing up for ourselves and aren't going to take it any longer. Most of us would rather see the company close it's doors FOREVER than take another year of substandard compensation and crap from our management that's run this once fine airline into the ground. We are trying to pave new ground for our future and hopefully for the regional airline industry. Or at least our share of it. It's true there are pilots on the street and they have there issues also. I wish them the best. In the end it all sorts itself out. We all knew what we were getting into when we started in aviation, and if you didn't then you either didn't ask enough questions, were sold a bill of goods, or were ignorant about the realities of the pilot/airline industry.
BigSky Training?

Hey CL65Link...

We've been hearing rumors over here on the other side of the ramp that 9E is going to do the CRJ training for the BigSky pilots?

Any truth to that or is it just another NWA rumor to get us worked up?
We've been hearing rumors over here on the other side of the ramp that 9E is going to do the CRJ training for the BigSky pilots?

Any truth to that or is it just another NWA rumor to get us worked up?

In the end Pinnacle management will do exactly as they are told to do by Northwest. I doubt XJ had much of a choice when it came to doing ground service for Pinnacle planes either.
Re: BigSky Training?

avrodriverj85 said:
We've been hearing rumors over here on the other side of the ramp that 9E is going to do the CRJ training for the BigSky pilots?

Any truth to that or is it just another NWA rumor to get us worked up? [/B]

My .02... I heard the same thing while JS (BTW, thanks guys!)...
I asked around training and found that it is JUST a rumor.

To expand on the rumor.. as it goes...

9E will train Big Sky instructors for the CRJ who will then start there own program. After that the remaing 34 or so jets of the orginal NWA order will go to Big sky. This is suppose to commence this summer with the first Big Sky CRJ on the property by this time next year.

So... until someone confirms proving runs at big sky... I would treat this as another NWA tatic to wipsaw all of us.
Why can't you be fortunate and feel lucky to be flying? Maybe your not aware of all the high time pilots out there without flying jobs working in fields that have nothing to do with aviation just to support the family.

Hyperboy, this is a self-contradicting argument. If these "high-timers" are working other jobs to feed their families, then why can't Mesaba pilot's do the same for their families? There is no reason that Mesaba First Officer's should be standing in line at the welfare office just to fly airplanes.
As far as Pinnacle doing any BigSky training, I have heard nothing about the subject, and since I am a check airman, you would think I might find out before some other pilots around here, but I'll probably be the last to know:).

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