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Mesaba's Latest

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2001
What is the lastest on Mesaba's situation? How close is Mesaba in reaching an agreement with there pilot group?

I also remembering hearing about Mesaba's aquisition of Big Sky airlines. When will this happen and what affect will it have on Mesaba's pilot group and contract negotiations?
The situation is rather ugly around Mesaba. so much to explain.... usual contract negotiations crap. Do a SEARCH on Mesaba and Bigsky.

We're not even close to signing anything. Traditional Northwest Airlines whipsawing the pilot groups, Mesaba HOLDINGS buys Bigsky to threaten our jobs. Nothing is in stone yet about Bigsky growing or getting any RJs. But Mesaba pilots would not be surprised if they did start receiving them.

FOs(junior and senior) are leaving or attempting to leave and we wouldn't be surprised if the company had to hire again. No one in their right mind would want to work here. Trust me, to enter this sh!tstorm is being brave.... I'd pay someone NOT to work here right now. Our amendable date passed in June, some 190 days ago. That 4 year contract was signed in 1996 with a 2 year LOA extension. And all that was concessionary. You can see why we are getting frustrated with management.

I predict a strike by end of next year. Look us up after we get a contract, if we're still around. We will probably be the place to work like it was in the late 90s..... but for now, shop elsewhere. Ciao
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NMB us already involved, and has been for about 3 months.
Come on guys... Stop being so negative. We are making some real progress. All we have left is the small stuff..... Like uhhhh Pay, Scope, Retirement... we should be able to bang that out by Christmas...... 2009.

I am with T-handle.... Pull both of those t's blow the bottles and go work for a different company until we get all this crap sorted out. This used to be a great place to work for, and hopefully it will be again in about a year or so!!!

Happy Holidays everybody!!!

FOs(junior and senior) are leaving or attempting to leave and we wouldn't be surprised if the company had to hire again

Please tell me this was a joke. Hire again?:eek: Our fleet is shrinking. If these people weren't leaving voluntarily they would just be furloughed. In case you haven't noticed, the company is filling any needed FO vacancies with captain downgrades and word from the grapevine is there will be at least another 40 come March. This means the most junior captain will have about 5 years seniority:( This is NOT the place to be and signing a new contract isn't going to majically make things better. Management has forever driven a wedge between them and us with all the bull$hit tactics in these negotiations. Better stop before I get all worked up............Merry Christmas everybody.:)
I heard through a friend at NWA that the ultimate plan is to eventually merge mesaba & Pinnacle into one company. It seems all their resources are going into Pinnacle right now, expanding fleet, hiring like crazy! While Mesaba is dwindling away. Once Pinnacles fleet is big enough, they will take-over the Mesaba routes, hence Mesaba goes away. She seems to think Pinnacle will take the remaining Mesaba pilots, once everything is said and done!! Sounds interesting!!!
This rumor has floated around almost as long as I have worked for Pinnacle(almost 7 years). It is in NW's best interest to preserve the "whip-saw" and keep a wedge between the two pilot groups. This has about as much of a chance of becoming a reality as the "one-list" between Pinnacle, Mesaba, and NW.
One more point about Measaba, we are scheduled to loose 20 more Saabs this summer when the leases run out. If we don't have CRJ's coming to replace them then we will have to furlough people. I heard 3 crews per airplane or about 120 pilots. Unless, of course, 120 pilots quit between now and the end of the leases.
Sounds like things at XJ are similar to those of PDT! We're losing aircraft and furloughing and gone from one of the best regionals to the worst regional, in terms of pay overnight. The only advantage is you're not a Wholly-Owned Sub. of USAir!

One point: It is possible to lose 120 pilots by the summer. Here, we annouced in April the loss of nine aircraft by Jan. 1st and I'd say two thirds of those effected left before the furlough.

Good Luck

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