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Don't forget, we (Pinnacle) will open for our contract in '05. I wouldn't be surprised to see the tide turn for Mesaba again. NW is really good at playing the XJ vs. 9E game.
I feel for all of you guys and gals over there. What your management is doing is nothing short of criminal. Your negotiations have been on-going for what like 2 years plus now. I can't believe we live in a society that permits these kinds of business practices.

We'll see what our management has to propose to us sometime in the next couple of months regarding pay. Should be interesting. I hope XJET hasn't been talking to Mesaba mgt. folks. We'll see I guess.

Mike G.
ExpressJet Airlines
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To answer your questions...

Life at Mesaba SUCKS A$$ right now. What was once THE place to work, with great mgmt and labor relations, high morale and a place where people loved their jobs is now a festering cesspool of an operation. Sure, we've got the best hub facilities in the industry, great equipment, great people to work with, awesome ontime performance and completion factors. But morale is low, mgmt is trying to sqeeze blood from turnips and everyone is overworked, underpaid and stretched WAY too thin. This place is going to break soon, whith the showstring staff and fatigued employees. Good thing we'll get to rest up during out strike.

Most people that are bailing from XJ are NOT going to Pinnacle. There doesn't seem to be a real push to take a lateral step and then 1 step back. That's for various reasons as well as they don't want to be in this same awful position when PCL goes through the contract blues in a few years. They're going to Comair and some have gone to Air Willy. Some have gone to corporate and some have quit all together.

We're not hiring, but starting wages if we were would be $18.21, jumping to $20.35 after 6 months. This is for both the saab and avro. Keep in mind these sweat shop rates are from a 1996 contract that was extended for 2 years and inside it contains a nifty little LOA that eliminated the jet pay scale for FOs and lumped us all into 1 scale.

We do have folks on furlough, but I have heard from a very reliable source that they're calling back all 28 furloughees and MAY actually have to hire. Brilliant planning... crew planning. I've got my feelers out to confirm or deny this.

Bottom line - Mesaba is going through contract blues. We see CRJs where we once flew the saab and or avro. Nobody is happy it seems and people are sick and tired of being lied to. But one thing is FOR SURE - the Mesaba pilots have taken the high road. We are pilots of integrity and will never lower ourselves to the levels of our mgmt.

I've got a bunch of friends at Mesaba, and I'm very confidant that you guys will get what you deserve. Hang in there.
Update - there is a revision to the vacancy that was posted the other day. It has a total of 23 new positions, including 8 captain vacancies. I suspect the rumor is true that we're recalling most, if not all furloughs. This includes the voluntary ones - that are captains. Should be interesting... especially if we have to hire. HEY!! come on over to strike! it'll be fun!

Thanks for the response flap operator. That's sad to hear all that crap is happening over at Mesaba. I too have heard from a reliable source that they are in fact thinking of recalling all and hiring. That is what has sparked my interest.

Does anyone have any good info on flight benefits for Mesaba? It seems a petty thing but I got to find some way to get over to Hawaii in the next couple of years.:D
Here's the skinny on our pass bennies. IMO - since I never have any money after I attempt to pay all my bills the pass benies are worthless. Not to mention the lack of time off I have, having only multiple pairs of days off, with the token 3 day stretch once a month. I just jumpseat whenever I need to get anywhere.

We have pass benefits on Northwest (of course), Continental and Alaska. Not too sure what the cost of the Alaska or CO passes are but the NW ones range from $20 domestic coach ($40 FC) to about $150 FC to Hawaii and $300 biz class to Europe and Asia. Parents, spouses kids etc... have the same bennies on these 3 airlines. We halso ahve a ID20 benefit with NW that allows us a POSITIVE space 20% off any fare, we can even earn Worldperk miles on these fares and this benefit is for our parents too. For standby travel we board after NW of course, except on Mesaba operated flights despite what a NW agent will tell you and list you as. Pinnacle recently sign a new Airlink services agreement changing their pass privies to mirror the ones that NW has. Tis means that as a Mesaba employee flying on Pinnacle is exactly like flying on NW (where it used to be free). This sucks big time for the guys and gals that commute out of cities that were once XJ strongholds and have slowly become PCL dominated cities. As XJ pilots we can sit on the flight deck of PCL and NW a/c though... so there's a bit of a saving grace. NW and PCL employees can travel on the red tail system for free in coach, if they have more than 5 years seniority. This is not the case for XJ employees. We still however travel free in coach, as do our parents on XJ operated flights. Buddy passes at XJ are only good on XJ operated flights, while NW can use thier buddy passes on our flights. At least we don't have to travel with our buddies like PCL and NW employees do.

Our pass bennies are pretty confusing being that we're the red headed step children right now in the red tail disfunctional family. Lots of one sided-ness and unfair practices. Oh yea, all those passes I talked about have to be bought through the slower than molasses in a MSP winter pass beaureau or at the NW ticket counter where they'll look at you like you've got 4 heads, bit.ch to you about the paperwork they have to do in writing an actual pass out (NW travels on an e-pass) then try to overcharge you.

MAN!! I love my job! I'm not bitter either.

I forgot to add that we have ID90 (90% off the full fare ticket) benefits on most domestic and international airlines. We also have some other negotiated deals with KLM, Hawaiian, ALoha, Delta, Iberia, Aerolenias Argentinas, Iceland Air and some more that I'm forgetting. NW has a new marketing agreement with Delta (they're doing a three way with CO and DL - kinda kinky if you ask me, but if it gets you tail... I mean $$$$ - so be it) that may translate into pass privies on DL. I say this only because of the pass beneis we have with CO, through the NW and CO alliance.

(just a passenger here). I fly Northwest Airlink when I fly. I don't think I want to ever fly anything else....you guys are great.....professional....patient with fearful flyers (me).

Anyways, I have some questions:

1. How can the average joe flyer help you guys out? I don't want to see you guys go under or have some darn good pilots leave.

2. When will you possibly stike? I'd like to give my support (I want you guys happy when you're hauling my butt around).

3. When is the saab 340 going to phase out? Do they still fly those to Peoria from MSP?

I hope you guys hang in there. Tell me what I can do to help.
Just curious, I have also heard the rumors of possible hiring in the future for Mesaba. What do you guys who work there feel the sentiment towards a new hire would be? I have thought about this a little and I don't quite know for sure how a new hire would be viewed given the current status. Any opinions!!!


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