WSurf said:That is such BS!!! I have a mesa guy that Jumpseats on us a bunch! He is pretty senior and was looking forward to bidding the 900's in CLT! Man, I am with Islandhopper here..... You GUYS NEED TO GET A BACKBONE AND CRUSH THIS GUY! Jeezzzz.... Good luck!!!
Trust me Wsurf, we are trying. We're more frustrated then any of you out there. As you know as a PDT pilot, there are very few times that we as pilots have a chance to get the upperhand on Mgmt. JO got the best of it a couple yrs ago. Our turn starts in early 07. I wish the RLA gave us or any pilot group more lee-way (sp) but it doesn't. JO's time WILL come.
In the mean time if we could just get every ALPA regoinal group to SUPPORT each other, instead of fighting each other, we would sure all be in a better position long term. Unfortunally, we are our own worst enemies most of the time. -Bean