There are a few things that need to be pointed out when it comes to Freedom. Instead of getting a side letter to the current contract when it came to getting the 700/900's online, the ALPA leadership drug their feet, asking for wages higher than America West pilots made. At the same time Duane Woerth was publicly annoucing that he would not endorse the 900 flying at the regional level. Throw into the mix, USAirways scope clause regarding flying over 70-seats and you have the reason why JO started Freedom. In actuality, Freedoms contract had higher pay. I guess the arguement comes down to where do you want to draw the line when it comes to what type of aircraft a regional can fly. I think that there shouldn't be limits to career growth at any company you fly for. Inhouse unions seem to get changes done more quickly and avoid the pressure from a national type of union trying to represent both regionals and majors. JMHO