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McCain Hates Pilots

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of course there is no reference in the constitution that expressly prohibits congress from enacting minimum wage laws. There is also nothing in there that authorizes congress to enact minimum wage laws.

What it does say is:

Article 1 Section 8 and 9, Powers of Congress, and Limits on Congress lays out what congress as allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do.

Amd 10 (part of the bill of rights) says:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Simply put, this means that if the power is not listed in the constitution, then it is left to the states to decide.

Does that work for you?

Here is a quote from Walter E Williams:

If higher mininum wages were an effective anti-poverty device world poverty would have been eliminated ages ago.
Carl, your interpretation of the 10th amendment is a very narrow one, and one not generally accepted by Constitutional scholars. If the Constitution does not specifically limit Congress from taking an action, then Congress is free to take that action. Nothing in the Constitution specifically prohibits Congress from enacting a minimum wage, so they are free to do so.
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Why shouldn't it be left up to the states? Yes, because they know what's better for us than we do.
The states are free to adopt a higher minimum wage, and many do. The problem is that many of the states that don't have a higher minimum wage are the poorest states in the nation. Everyone in this country should be able to work a job that keeps them out of poverty. It shouldn't be a "states rights" issue.
The states are free to adopt a higher minimum wage, and many do. The problem is that many of the states that don't have a higher minimum wage are the poorest states in the nation. Everyone in this country should be able to work a job that keeps them out of poverty. It shouldn't be a "states rights" issue.

So we can elimate poverty by raising the minimum wage....sounds so simple.......

How high can we raise it? $10, $15,...how about $20.....???
Constitutional basis for minimum-wage law?

There is also nothing in there that authorizes congress to enact minimum wage laws.

If challenged on the matter, Congress would probably cite the "Commerce Clause" (Art. 1 Sec. 8). Over the years, its implied authority has been expanded to cover almost anything connected with business. Whether this deemed to be good or bad probably depends more upon how one likes the result obtained than upon the process. It's pretty clear that the Supreme Court has deferred to Congress in this area since upholding the Fair Labor Standards Act (which first established a minimum wage in 1938).
So we can elimate poverty by raising the minimum wage....sounds so simple.......
No, as you know, some people live in poverty by choice. Others are mentally ill and need other help. But those living in poverty while working for a living would be brought out of poverty by a higher minimum wage.
How high can we raise it? $10, $15,...how about $20.....???
Personally, I think it should be $10, but studies would have to be done to determine what the best figure would be.
My research confirmed what I already felt to be true.

McCain's voting record in the 109th Congress is the third most conservative (as of November 2005). On the other hand, his voting record during the 107th Congress, from January 2001 through November of 2002, places him as the 6th most liberal Republican senator, according to the same data and analysis at voteview.com.

That is a huge problem for me. I will never know which McCain will show up each day and neither will Wall Street. Chaos and much handwringing will ensue.

Also, an earlier post stated that he almost sunk an American aircraft carrier. I learned that this was untrue. A Phantom piloted by someone else fired a missle on deck, hitting his Skyhawk. He jumped and his bombs blew up injuring him and killing many others on board.

Personally, I like McCain a lot. He has a great sense of humor. (see Bomb Iran song) He is also an honorable person. That said, I would never vote for him. If he gets the nomination, the Republican party will either be temporarily in a coma, be permanently destroyed, or a new 3rd party will get a huge boost. I hope for the latter.

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