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McCain Hates Pilots

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I've been reading obama's website on the issues. I will say he does a good job convincing the ignorant and pandering to the masses. Just about every single proposal will cost lots and lots of money.

He wants the minimum wage to rise so a person can work 40 a week and be able to afford housing, transportation, food, clothing etc. If this were to happen, the damage to the economy and unemployment would be huge.

His health care plan would be a disaster.

He wants to put a bandaid on social security instead of fix a program that was broken before it even started.

Pick one issue, and I'll show you the problems with it.
I agree Carl.....I can't understand how so-called conservatives like PCL128 can support him unless they are part of the "wacky left".......
He wants the minimum wage to rise so a person can work 40 a week and be able to afford housing, transportation, food, clothing etc. If this were to happen, the damage to the economy and unemployment would be huge.
Oh, the humanity!!! People actually able to live a decent quality of life for an honest day's work. The horror! [/sarcasm]
His health care plan would be a disaster.
His healthcare plan has a few flaws, but it's the best thing being proposed on either side of the aisle. Only Romney comes even close to a decent plan on the Republican side. The others are pure disasters.
He wants to put a bandaid on social security instead of fix a program that was broken before it even started.
A real fix isn't politically feasible right now. A band-aid is the best that we can hope for, and he's got a pretty good band-aid.
If raising the minimum wage was such a good thing, why not raise it to $50/hr? Look at it from a business pov (i know it's hard). If an employer is forced to pay a wage of $X/hr, the employee must produce to cover the cost of his or her employment. If they can't, bye bye job or business must raise prices, sales go down and bye bye job. Unemployment would rise.

Other than the implications a raise in minimum wage would have, it was never designed to support a family on. Very few minimum wage workers live in poor house holds. That is because they are mostly kids, or second income earners in the home. Low skilled jobs for low wages build skills that lead to higher skilled higher paying jobs.

Additionally, there is no authority for the federal government to control minimum wage. Let the states take care of it...some already do.
Re. McCain and the NMB etc. .... Granting that everything alleged may be true, even then I will vote for what I feel is in the national interest overall, even if it goes completely against my own specific industry or union interests. Under no circumstances could I ever vote for Clinton II, and Obama, while he has lots of good points, so far also appears to be a big government guy, losing my vote unless he convinces me otherwise. (And yes, Bush was big government too). And I don't plan on sitting out the election or inserting a write-in. Regardless of who wins, I hope there is always a party split between congress (at least one house) and the oval office- so government can do the least damage.
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This is a memo to all you liberals that want to tax the rich and evil corporations until they bleed.

When the evil corporations get taxed more they just pass it along to joe six pack, so joe six pack pays that tax increase. If you pinch those evil corporations so hard that they can't do business in the USA anymore they move overseas and joe six pack loses his job. If you tax the wealthest so hard that they get pinched, they cut back and joe six pack loses his job again.

Wake up! The evil corporations and the wealtiest need to taxes that are not too high, that way the economy is healthy and unemployment is low. Poor old joe can keep on consuming and we are all happy nappys.

The enemy is BIG government and slackers not sucessfull entities.

Simple, No?
If raising the minimum wage was such a good thing, why not raise it to $50/hr?
Because $50/hr isn't necessary to keep people out of poverty. The minimum wage is only there to keep employers from abusing workers and not paying them a living wage. If an employer isn't capable of paying the bare minimum wage to keep his employees out of poverty conditions, then that employer needs to be weeded out to make room for employers that can. There is absolutely no justification for paying employees less than they need to merely survive.
Other than the implications a raise in minimum wage would have, it was never designed to support a family on.
And never the less, many people do have to support a family on such wages, or wages very close to it.
Additionally, there is no authority for the federal government to control minimum wage.
Perhaps you could cite a reference in the Constitution that prohibits Congress from enacting a minimum wage?

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