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McCain Hates Pilots

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I do it for free cause it is fun, B-17's and C-47's, DA-20's, and KA-90's. Don't get a dime for any of my flying. In fact I pay to fly my C-172, works out to about $100/hr. BTW McCain has little to do with airlines jobs, in the end it is the consumers who dictate working conditions in the airlines.

What do you do for money?

Are you willing to elect the politician most likely to decimate your career?

Didn't think so.

....interesting coming from an AA pilot.....how did Clinton "respond to your needs" during the AA PEB......
He did exactly as the APA asked him to.
Because the high income earners in the top bracket are already paying a lower percentage of their income than the middle-class taxpayers. That's not my opinion, that's the opinion of the second richest man in the world, Warren Buffet. He readily admits that his own secretary pays more as a percentage of her earnings than he does. The system is fu--ed up.

That is primarily due to the Soc. Security and Medicare payroll taxes....not the income taxes.....

Many low income people who don't pay any taxes get rebates through the "Earned Income Tax Credit" which is nothing more than redistribution of wealth...

I'm fine with dropping the income tax on the first 30K of earned income and drop the "Earned Income Tax Credit".....

We don't have a problem in this country of not collecting enough tax revenue.....we have a problem of waisting tax money.....

I'm not a huge McCain fan, but he is right about the spending issue.....We need to cut out the pork.....
PCL_128, do you know why that is true for Warren Buffet? Do you think that is the exception or the rule?
It's the rule. People in the upper class receive a huge portion of their income from dividends and capital gains. They also have tax attorneys that work around the clock to shield their earnings from taxes. The playing field is not level.
High income earners already pay a higher percentage tax and a higher dollar amount too. Some of you people want them to pay even more?

You bet your butt!

Check it out. During war time (psst! Like NOW!), upper-bracket earners have always paid a higher rate than lower earners. How high?

Like you wouldn't believe!

Read this, and pay attention to the top bracket rates. Of course, there was a war on, and our country was unified to accomplish a mission. [Doesn't apply to us, if you believe that MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner]

Yet despite the uber-High tax rates, Americans still managed to amass huge fortunes. If your Grandpa is to be believed...it was actually the "Good Ol' Days"!

The current trend of separation of the super-rich from the middle class is a threat. How you choose to address it is an open issue.

But know the facts before you blather about "fairness" of tax rates.
sounds like class envy to me. Without high income earners that pay taxes, the country would fall apart. Most of us receive more than we put in, especially if you have kids.
I saw something like the top 10% of wage earners in the country pay 65% of the income tax.
I saw something like the top 10% of wage earners in the country pay 65% of the income tax.
I certainly hope so. They're raping the rest of us.
It's the rule. People in the upper class receive a huge portion of their income from dividends and capital gains. They also have tax attorneys that work around the clock to shield their earnings from taxes. The playing field is not level.

1. Capital gains....like when a middle class family sells it's house for 200K more than it bought the house for.....then turns around and buys a new house....Should that be taxed as "ordinary income"?

2. There is nothing stopping anyone from moving up the wealth ladder....some choose to funnel their income into investments.....while others CHOOSE to funnel their income into Starbucks coffee, new cars every 3 years, big screen tvs, and cell phone ring tones....Don't penalize those who are wise with their money....

3. It is the investment money that actually makes this country run.....Cut that off, and things will be bad for all...especially those who work for the "investors".....

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