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McCain Hates Pilots

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And drug dealers are just "unlicensed pharmacists"

Retarted->Mentally Retarted->Mentally Challenged->Learning Disabled->Patient Learner->Selective Learner->Picky Learner->Learner.

Terrorists->Insurgents->FreedomFighters->Misguided Criminals->High Risk Offspring of Mediocre Parents->Infrequent Law Practitioners->Malcontents.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ->Jesus Christ->Jesus->That Guy on the Cross->That Person->Who?

Illegal Aliens->Illegal Immigrants->Undocument Workers->Migrant Workers->Guest Workers->Imported Low Wage Workers->Temporary U.S. Citizens->MexAmeriCanadians->Bob.

All the above was outright stolen from Glen Beck.
If I hear McCain say "my friend(s)" or "I'm going to give you some straight talk" or "footsolidier" or "I was in the Reagan revolution" one more time I am going to barf. This guy is a tool. He talks out both sides of his mouth and cannot be trusted.
If I hear McCain say "my friend(s)" or "I'm going to give you some straight talk" or "footsolidier" or "I was in the Reagan revolution" one more time I am going to barf. This guy is a tool. He talks out both sides of his mouth and cannot be trusted.

You forgot that he was also a LEADER of a large air squadron, that's unique.

He is exactly what is wrong with poltics.

Vote for Romney.
Also, ask yourself how McCain would likely respond to the needs of the “greedy pilots” during any PEB.


....interesting coming from an AA pilot.....how did Clinton "respond to your needs" during the AA PEB......
McCain Demonstrated service before self under some of the most demanding conditions any human ever endured

No one is arguing that he wasn't a great soldier, he has reminded us of it everyday. We had many that did the same thing and you don't hear them reminding us of it and using it for political gain on a daily basis.

Let's be honest. McCain has had an axe to grind with conservatives ever since he lost the election against Bush and has tried to under mine the party every chance he could. McCain even gave thought to running as a running mate with Kerry, what more do you need to know? He doesn't represent what I want for this country whether he had bamboo strips up his nails or not. He might have been great at one time but he is just a bitter, angry, vindictive old man that Hillary or Obama will clean off of there shoes if given the chance.

A vote for McCain is a vote for Obama.
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Don't have to agree with me, that is what the US is all about

Does anyone on this board ever agree with you about anything?
And no one gets killed for having contrary opinions, which is why McCain flew in Vietnam so you could not like him and not be punished. BTW I am now so motivated to help I will send him some more money.

I hope you do fly because you like to, When Johnny gets done it'll be all we have left.

Only reason


I hope you do fly because you like to, When Johnny gets done it'll be all we have left.

I do it for free cause it is fun, B-17's and C-47's, DA-20's, and KA-90's. Don't get a dime for any of my flying. In fact I pay to fly my C-172, works out to about $100/hr. BTW McCain has little to do with airlines jobs, in the end it is the consumers who dictate working conditions in the airlines.
PCL_128, why don't you favor extending the tax cuts to the high income earners as well?
Because the high income earners in the top bracket are already paying a lower percentage of their income than the middle-class taxpayers. That's not my opinion, that's the opinion of the second richest man in the world, Warren Buffet. He readily admits that his own secretary pays more as a percentage of her earnings than he does. The system is fu--ed up.

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