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McCain Hates Pilots

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For those of you thinking of pulling the lever for McCain, ask yourself, how you will do under a baseball type of arbitration for your next set of negotiations. McCain is a big proponent of baseball style negotiations. In a nutshell, it would be a disaster for aviation labor and a big win for management.

Also, keep in mind that one of the seats for the NMB is up for reappointment after the election. Right now, it’s comprised of two republicans, one dem. If the republicans keep their majority, plan on the long drawn out federal mediations to continue. Also, ask yourself how McCain would likely respond to the needs of the “greedy pilots” during any PEB.

This next set of negotiations is the most important for our industry since deregulation. Management wants to lock-in for the long term the concessions achieved after 911.

I respect McCain for what he did as a POW and his service to our country, but that’s as far as it goes. Make no mistake about it; McCain is anti-pilot.

Vote wisely.

McCain Demonstrated service before self under some of the most demanding conditions any human ever endured. This may be old history, but it bears repeating. While he was a near death condition in Hanoi in 1967 the NVA discovered he was the son of CINCPAC. They offered him a deal, a go home right now ticket. The NVA would have used that for political exploitation about how if you were politically connected in the US you do not have to suffer like everyone else. McCain said no, I would not go home unless I am released in order of internment, as I promised in the Code of Conduct. That is called INTEGRITY, we don't see a lot of that in politics. McCain demonstrated he would do what is right under trying circumstances. For that reason he has my donations and my vote.


You need to reseach McLame's record a bit more closely. McLame was ORDERED not to take the release by a senior POW. McLame is the very definition of lack of integrity regarding his involvement with the Keating 5. Examine his record in the senate regarding MIA/POW's, his treatment of their families, and his push for normalization of relations with Vietnam. He even tried to have MIA/POW families prosecuted criminally because he didn't like their testimony in front of his committee. Examine McLame's embrace of the Vietnamese officer who personally executed many POW's for resisting attempts to make them produce anti-american propaganda.

McLame is the very antithesis of "integrity" in his political life. Documentation is easily found if you look.

McLame is from the Randy Duke Cunningham school of ethics when it comes to former naval aviators. A naval aviator does not integrity make, Randy.
I respect McCain for what he did as a POW and his service to our country, but that’s as far as it goes. Make no mistake about it; McCain is anti-pilot.

Vote wisely.


Spot on with this statement. I've had buds that have flown him and he does not respect us. The way he treats people off the camera says a lot. Not getting my vote...

I respect McCain for what he did as a POW and his service to our country, but that’s as far as it goes. Make no mistake about it; McCain is anti-pilot.

Vote wisely.


Sums it up nicely. The problem is the current lot running for POTUS Americans will hold their noses and pick the best looking one from a ugly family. I suppose it is "polyannish" of me to expect a person of honor and integrity to run for office.
ok he's anti-pilot,got it.
so you want to put a CEO in the white house?
He's bragging about how many jobs he created in his state,but when you look closely it's a bunch of low paying jobs with limited benefits;don't expect Romney to be pro-pilot.
I think the bottom line is this. Most of us agree that there is no really good candidate. The fact is though, of all the candidates on both sides, there is only one that we KNOW will be worse than the status quo for airline pilots.

That's it. Like who ya like, but McCain WILL hurt you if you're a pilot.

I think the bottom line is this. Most of us agree that there is no really good candidate. The fact is though, of all the candidates on both sides, there is only one that we KNOW will be worse than the status quo for airline pilots.

That's it. Like who ya like, but McCain WILL hurt you if you're a pilot.


Doesn't matter if he has a track record of anti-pilot legislation. You gotta vote for him in the general election. It will be a disaster if Obama or Billery is elected. These two politically correct liberals have never once in their debates said the word " islamic terrorists or radical Islam." I don't care for most of McCain's votes in the Senate but I believe he will keep up the fight against the muslim nazis. That is the greatest threat we face.
"Cut and Run". I love that soundbite.
If only we all took the time to educate ourselves.

Vietnam, no gain and we left. What happened? Did the country collapse. My father was there.

The millions of murdered, tortured, imprisoned, and boat people in Vietnam would disagree with you.

Teacher educate thyself. Make no mistake, it was when the US congress abandoned our ally by cutting off the funding for the South Vietnamese government did it fall.

Thankfully for the people of Iraq, they aren't as geographically isolated as Vietnam. Thus we can't just leave and ignore their implosion. Because people like you apparently don't believe in standing and facing their commitments.
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Everyone has an opinion


You need to reseach McLame's record a bit more closely. McLame was ORDERED not to take the release by a senior POW. McLame is the very definition of lack of integrity regarding his involvement with the Keating 5. Examine his record in the senate regarding MIA/POW's, his treatment of their families, and his push for normalization of relations with Vietnam. He even tried to have MIA/POW families prosecuted criminally because he didn't like their testimony in front of his committee. Examine McLame's embrace of the Vietnamese officer who personally executed many POW's for resisting attempts to make them produce anti-american propaganda.

McLame is the very antithesis of "integrity" in his political life. Documentation is easily found if you look.

McLame is from the Randy Duke Cunningham school of ethics when it comes to former naval aviators. A naval aviator does not integrity make, Randy.
He did engage in exchange of the idea of his release, but the idea to turn it down was his, and his alone. He took the high road and appealed to a higher calling than most "me" centered people would have done. You are obviously much wiser and more informed than me so you must be right and I am wrong. It was not "me" centered, a lot of people would have trouble understanding that.

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Who pays taxes?
Top 50% pay 97% of fed income tax
Top 25% pay 86%
Top 1% pay 39%

....and that's not fair?

High income earners already pay a higher percentage tax and a higher dollar amount too. Some of you people want them to pay even more?

PCL_128, why don't you favor extending the tax cuts to the high income earners as well?

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" comes to mind.

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