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McCain Hates Pilots

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I would bet if our country did a little expreiment with taxes, we would be swimming in money.

Everyone, that means everyone, pays 10% of their income to the Feds.

Cut Corporate tax rates to 20% for everyone from Microsoft to your wifes beautyshop.

National sales tax of ??% on all goods and services.

We are a consumer based economy. If you give people more money, they will spend more, thus raising revenue across the board.

Raising taxes, especially on the people that spend the most, is counterproductive and DOES NOT WORK!

While I agree with your sentiment, simplification of taxes has one nasty side effect: a simple tax rate is MUCH easier to raise. It's the one huge negative to tax simplification to me, thus we need a modicum of simplification but not a flat rate.
Don't you think that the certificate holder and their training department should have been the ones responsible for this? I was shocked to read how haphazard their training department was with this individual. It wasn't his fault that he was released to the line by numerous check airmen.

If you are talking about the airline he was flying for at the time of the accident, I agree completely. My point is he probably would never have been hired there if they knew about his failures and ultimate termination at his previous airline. Perhaps he would have pursued a different career, something that didn't require him to be responsible for so many lives.

The Pilot Records Act has subtly turned the screw down for the worse with regard to safety at small to mid-sized companies. Those that complain too much are rewarded with harder checkrides and disciplinary items included in their permanent records. This does not enhance safety.

I'm sure this is true at some airlines. Personally, I don't have any direct knowledge of this happening to anyone. Most people who have difficulty where I have worked get additional training and get through rather quickly. Actually, sometimes they give people way more leeway than I think they deserve.
I guess I would feel the same way you do if I had seen it firsthand.
Why don't you elaborate on your own torture experiences as a POW. We'd all be interested in knowing how you withstood brutal torture over many years. How you are proud of how you reacted to having your arms pulled out of socket. How you never cried or passed out or said something you wished you hadn't. Please tell us since you choose to stand in judgment of someone who has.

This is classless. I can't stand McCain, but I have the utmost respect for the fact that he survived POW camp.

That being said, so did thousands of others. They don't try to claim it as some sort of mantle of expertise on military affairs as McCain does.

I love watching all the idiots who foisted 8 years of ineptitude courtesy of George W. on the United States and the world coming to the slow realization that this time around they're gonna have to pull the lever for McCain, Obama, or Hillary.

Karma is a b!tch.

If McCain becomes the Rep nominee, karma will take sweet revenge on the Dems too as they face a dilemma- vote for a bipartisan centrist or cast one for a throwback who could yield 28 consecutive years of Bush and Clinton dynasties (and who is certainly more liberal than Bubba).

As I've stated before, McCain vs Obama would be a class act- two standup guys, though one a center-right guy (except for Rush, Coultier and loons who consider him pinko) and the other ultra-liberal.
This is classless. I can't stand McCain, but I have the utmost respect for the fact that he survived POW camp.

That being said, so did thousands of others. They don't try to claim it as some sort of mantle of expertise on military affairs as McCain does.


In context of what I was responding to I don't know how you get "classless".
McCain doesn't come off to me as primping his POW experience (savage as his was) as somehow giving him a mantle on national security. However, he has specialized in national security for years as a senator, and he deserves some credit for seeing the flaws in Rumsfeld's non-strategy (and also seeing a way to repair the damage other than cutting and running) long before it became popular within the administration. Heaven only knows where Iraq would now stand had someone like Gates, and not Rumsie, been at DoD's helm from the outset.
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