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McCain Hates Pilots

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I seriously doubt one FI poster has changed another FI poster's position one iota. This is probably the ultimate circle jerk.

Go vote. Enjoy your freedom. God bless the USA.
The only thing I stand in judgment of is your inability to understand the written word. Obviously, your arms were not pulled out of their sockets because you are typing an embarrassing string of estrogen-filled drivel on the computer while pulling your pud.

Seriously, work on your reading comprehension skills.

Oh, and how's this for the Straight Talk Express:

If it is true that McLame was forced to make propaganda films for the commies, that should serve to disqualify him for the job of Commander in Chief. Not that it was necessarily his fault.

Plus, he is a globalist, new world order, neocon dick.
McCain sticking to this obvious misquote of Romney's in terms of "timetables" is simply showing him to be a "straight talk bullsh!t" artiste.
It's just politics;after that heated part of the debate,they were both having a drink and joking around about how they went at each other,all politics.

You nor any else can possibly judge any such thing unless you lived it side by side with the man.

I may not support John McCain for Pres, but I will never, could never possibly say anything bad about his service to the country. He is a true Patriot. (that doesn't mean he would make a good President).

I agree
McCain was a good soldier for fighting and suffering for our country. Thats honorable. However as President and especially for airline pilots it will be suicide. He screams big business more than any of the other Republicans, yes even Mitt. Vote for anyone else. Obama, Mitt, Huck, Ron Paul, anyone just dont vote for that union buster.
The straight talk express lost a couple of wheels with his 100 years in Irak rhetoric;but beside that i like his position on most of the issues.being a union buster i don't know,the union have donne it to themself for the last 7 years,convincing members that they were better of bending over and accepting whatever management was given because ''that the most we can get".
It's just politics;after that heated part of the debate,they were both having a drink and joking around about how they went at each other,all politics.

I realize that, but his image is one of being a non-politician when in reality he simply is the same trash washington has corrupted.

I do not think his mentor, Barry Goldwater, would appreciate what he is doing.
Isn't this supposed to be in the non-aviation chat section?

I have no clue if McCain is an anti-pilot or anti-union fanatic as some McCain haters on the board seem to insist. I am pro-union as far as aviation goes, but this country faces alot of deep problems right now, and I am voting for Prez of the U.S., not for my AOPA (I believe McCain favors user fees) or ALPA or Teamsters interests, even if they happen to conflict.

McCain is far from perfect, but I also find him by far and away the best of the bunch in either party. He has a solid bipartisan legislative record that suggests he can actually get things done for a change. The more I see the likes of loons like Ann Coultier dissing him, the more I like the guy. I respect the big tent theory of politics, but to me the conservatism that counts (as opposed to frothing on about Guns, God and Gays) is fiscal conservatism. Pandering about tax cuts is meaningless without fiscal conservatism.

Sure, his "100 year war" rhetoric is a bit over the top (I suspect the best "victory" we should now shoot for is that the al queda scum sucked into Iraq by the post-Saddam vacuum be kicked out and stay out) and could be his one vulnerability to Clinton or Obama, but his 'maverick' status on opposing the stupidity of Rumsfeld was right on. McCain shouldn't have made the "timetable" charge against Romney, but it came on the heels of Romney pandering for votes and attacking McCain on a far, far worse level. Romney is now trying to paint McCain as a republican Hillary, but that reeks of the pot calling the kettle black. Hillary for her part certainly is all about "me me me"- the first woman president should be a good candidate as opposed to such a suspect and polarizing/hated one- and while Obama seems to be a class act, and perhaps could gravitate to the center given a chance, his legislative record is absurdly left of center.

All in all, I'd like to see "the best vs the best"- McCain vs Obama. I would vote McCain in a heartbeat over either Obama or Clinton, but this year's election is the Republicans to lose, and I would certainly take Obama in a heartbeat over Hillary and Bubba.
First off, don't forget that McCain is one of the "KEATING FIVE".

Second, Don't forget that he is about as Moderate as Republicans come these days.

Remember when Republicans stood for things like keeping the Government out of your Personal Liberties and Fiscal Responsibility?
I do.
Now they are supporting the most oppressive form of government in America since the Pilgrims. They want to tell you who you can marry, who's child you should have, what you should be able to see on TV (gasp! a Nipple!) (Yes, it's Colin Powell's son at the helm of the FCC), and even if you should be allowed to die (Terry Shivo).
Look the national debt. So high and getting deeper than ever. Only a couple of years since (don't say it!) Bill Clinton balanced the budget. Where is the fiscal resposibility?

Remember when they set aside public lands to be National Parks and that reinforcing the National Infastructure was important?

Remember when they said that the establishement of a military-industrial compelx was something to be feared? (Do a search of Eisenhower's speeches and compare/contrast to the influence that Halliburton, etc... have)

Remember when the President who sent thousands to their death in foreign combat actually showed up for their service obligation?

Remember when the people in charge actually had a concept of what it is to be a soldier. Rumsfeld - Never Served. Cheney - (six?) deferrments.
W., the functional retard who recieved the No-Cavities at award from the dentist while keeping Texas safe from the Viet-Cong.

Any servicemen who think that having a Big Shot Daddy won't get you the Elvis treatment, feel free to tell me that not showing up for your service is a quality you look for in a leader.
By the way, the Connecticut born and raised, New England Prep School/Yale/Harvard Cheerleader is as far from a 'Texan' as I've ever seen..

Do some research on the Presidencies and Writings of Teddy Rooseveldt and Eisenhower, and you will see a reflection of your ideals.

I love the Republican Ideals. These guys are not it. What we currently have is a blend of an Theocracy and Corprocracy.

Seriously, I'm not some conspiricy kook that thinks the moon landing took place on a soundstage, but come on... Halliburton is at record profits while a 'former' executive (stockholder) is the vice president with influence on who gets awarded 'no bid' reconstruction contracts? Oil dynasty Fortunate Son is president while Exxon enjoys the HIGHEST PROFITS OF ANY CORPORATION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD (while we pay more for gas than ever in the history of the world, by the way). Does anyone with a single breath of sense think these facts aren't related?

Put aside the petty party line politics and look at the facts! Would you sit by and let John Kerry award billion dollar, no-bid, contracts to supply Iraq with Heinz Ketchup?

"Hamburger" for President !!!



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