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McCain Hates Pilots

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It has been proven by economists that raising the top marginal tax rate will reduce the revenue received by the government. Lower the top marginal rate and tax revenues actaull increase.

No, no, and NO. This has not been "proven". Lots of data says that lowering marginal rates (ie trickle-down, ie voodoo economics) has the opposite effect. The people who see the benefits put in tax free or tax deferred accounts, or find some other use for it. The majority is not reinvested into production. It is just "excess thrust" to them.

OTOH, there are good capitalist arguments to increase the marignal rates. For one, data says the government sees the revenue. Far more important though, is it takes out the greed factor. Today, hedge fund managers, and our of control CEO's have only one goal: make money for themselves, today. They see no value to making better companies. But, if the marinal rate is high (as it was in the 50's, our period GREATEST growth), they know they won't see much of the money they skim off the company. So, they actually focus on running the company. Something conservatives and liberals should agree that a CEO should do.
I met a pilot who was in prison camp with McCain. He had too much class to elaborate, but suffice to say that the dude wouldn't piss on Mac if he were on fire.

I also have a neighbor who is a former congressman and staunch Republican who says Mac is seriously unstable. He said he flies off the handle and melts down so far that his staff have to muscle him out of the room. He said that he carries grudges for a long time and loves to get even with his perceived enemies.

I'm going with Mitt all the way. I hope he pulls off a comeback on Tuesday. Won't vote McCain and can't vote for a Democrat. If it is down to those two, I'll write in Tom Clancy.
As much as I disagree with Obama on principles, as a person he wouldn't be the embarrassment that Hillary would, but rumor has it that the Clinton camp has dirt on him that they are just waiting for the right time to release. Someone who should know says it will ruin Obama.
I met a pilot who was in prison camp with McCain. He had too much class to elaborate, but suffice to say that the dude wouldn't piss on Mac if he were on fire.

I also have a neighbor who is a former congressman and staunch Republican who says Mac is seriously unstable. He said he flies off the handle and melts down so far that his staff have to muscle him out of the room. He said that he carries grudges for a long time and loves to get even with his perceived enemies.

Made up BS. Nice personal attack.:(
What I don't understand is class envy.

I will never get better by tearing someone else down, nor will I be happier. This core of populist politics I reject completely.

No one is stuck in their current economic state. To me it's a moral issue. The government does not own my pay check nor does it own that of anyone else.

What I do know is that it's the top 40% of earners that pay all of the federal income taxes (we are in that). It's those in this 40% that hire people and give jobs. These are the producers that should be supported and championed because if "Atlas Shrugged" we'd all be screwed.

2007 was the highest revenue year in US tax history. Corporate taxes and that of investors lead the way.

If YOU want to pay more because you feel guilty or something, don't take any deductions and send in even more money. Just don't stake claim to what I or somebody else rightfully earn.

............steps down from soap box..............
Then you need an accountant!

Do you know an accountant who can lower your sales tax at the gas pump? Your accountant lowers your car license fees?

Sorry but taxes are an easy thing, you shouldn't need to pay someone to have them figure it out for you.
The Pentagon is holding many of the coerced propaganda tapes that POW's made from Vietnam. McLame is alleged to have made several. We will not know if it is true unless the tapes are revealed. Fat chance that they will be released. Therefore, it cannot be dismissed as false. I classify it as plausible.
The Pentagon is holding many of the coerced propaganda tapes that POW's made from Vietnam. McLame is alleged to have made several. We will not know if it is true unless the tapes are revealed. Fat chance that they will be released. Therefore, it cannot be dismissed as false. I classify it as plausible.

Why don't you elaborate on your own torture experiences as a POW. We'd all be interested in knowing how you withstood brutal torture over many years. How you are proud of how you reacted to having your arms pulled out of socket. How you never cried or passed out or said something you wished you hadn't. Please tell us since you choose to stand in judgment of someone who has.
McCain sticking to this obvious misquote of Romney's in terms of "timetables" is simply showing him to be a "straight talk bullsh!t" artiste.
Why don't you elaborate on your own torture experiences as a POW. We'd all be interested in knowing how you withstood brutal torture over many years. How you are proud of how you reacted to having your arms pulled out of socket. How you never cried or passed out or said something you wished you hadn't. Please tell us since you choose to stand in judgment of someone who has.

The only thing I stand in judgment of is your inability to understand the written word. Obviously, your arms were not pulled out of their sockets because you are typing an embarrassing string of estrogen-filled drivel on the computer while pulling your pud.

Seriously, work on your reading comprehension skills.
The Pentagon is holding many of the coerced propaganda tapes that POW's made from Vietnam. McLame is alleged to have made several. We will not know if it is true unless the tapes are revealed. Fat chance that they will be released. Therefore, it cannot be dismissed as false. I classify it as plausible.


You nor any else can possibly judge any such thing unless you lived it side by side with the man.

I may not support John McCain for Pres, but I will never, could never possibly say anything bad about his service to the country. He is a true Patriot. (that doesn't mean he would make a good President).

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