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Mary Schiavo?? Is she even a pilot? Please Advise

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So if foreign object damage leads to FOD damage arent you just repeating yourself or are you studdering. Foreign object damage damage?

Ah hell, who really cares? I still think that Mary Schivro is an idiot.
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LearAv8r said:
Mary Schiavo?? Is she even a pilot? Please Advise

Well, there goes another empty go-go cage.

Perhaps the best line I've seen in a long time---well done!!
I thought they pulled her feeding tube.

Just goes to show even though you're technically brain dead you can still anchor the news.
Getting back to the subject at hand, I remember her comments during the Nike G-5 incident, including that flight time from Hillsboro to Toronto on the G-5 would take between 2 1/2 and 3 hours, as well as her assertion that the aircraft carried approx. 27,000 (!!!!!) gallons of fuel and would have to burn this off before landing.

Someone should really take this absolutele know-nothing of an idiot and put her where she belongs, at the checkout counter of a Wal-Mart - with no disrespect meant to Wal-Mart employees.
She is not even a person let alone a pilot. Please feel free to email her access to this thread. She is a disaster ambulance chaser for some law firm now.

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