ok question then for you to fighting this out .. i am SWA pilot with no drink in hand yet. SWA gets routes etc etc NY and ATL etc. AT pilots get money QOL yada yada yada. SWA pilots ( which is different then SWA) get squat. RIGHT!!! now with this said.
LETS SAY THIS GOES TO ARBITRATION, - are they looking at the pilot group and what they get or are the arbitrators looking at what the company gets when it comes to Fair and Equitable? Because my pee brain thinks F&A means that know side gets a winfall. (meaning they only take into account the pilot group) With this said ,if it is done by relative seniority the pilots at At get a winfall and us at SWA get Squat.
BTW we are actually mostly excited yet a bit pessimistic. I am sure the AT guys are high fiving in the crew lounge.. GL to everyone
Just for flame bait, but last I was hearing from both managements was SW was replacing planes and AT was gaining planes- before the buyout. I would rather be with someone planning on growing.