AvBug, lay off. He is asking a honest question, and he has little experience. Try to be more of a mentor, instead of just telling him he is a idiot.
Put words in your own mouth, not mine. I said nothing of the original poster being an "idiot." You did that. I did not belittle the original poster.
I am not here to be a mentor.
The "honest question" the original poster asked if if anyone knows of any jobs for low time pilots. The original poster further stated that he is not good at instructing and doesn't want instructing jobs, but is "way better at just flying the plane."
The original poster has not stipulated his sources prevently or previously tried for work, and has not addressed common sources such as Trade A Plane, Climbto350, or Airjobsdaily.
Work is hard to come by presently for experienced pilots, let alone inexperienced pilots. One would indeed be foolish to turn down work simply because one is "way better at just flying the plane," if a flying job such as instruction comes along.
A 400 hour pilot doesn't meet the qualifications for even a VFR Part 135 job, which leaves flying such as hauling skydivers and banner towing. Visit the USPA site for skydiving information. Banner jobs come up in Tradeaplane and on climbto350, among other sites.
Point is, beggars can't be choosers, and at 400 hours, one isn't in a position to do a lot of choosing...or rejecting for that matter...which means that one needn't be discounting flight instructing opportunities. One doesn't have the experience or the qualifications to afford to do so.
I bet if he has the oportunity he would be a better pilot than you.
That's entirely possible, but also entirely irrelevant.
As for "oportunity," that will depend largely upon having the experience to qualify for positions that would enable the original poster to make such a demonstration. Until he gains that experience, we'll never know (nor care), will we?
In order to gain that experience, the original poster will be required to take what work he can find, and that might just include flight instructing...even if he thinks he's "way better at just flying the plane." Until then, at 400 hours total time, the original poster doesn't have the background to be "way better" at anything.