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looking for VFR 135 operations

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LOLOLOL.... solid? Must not have been 'mud month'!!!

Yeah, there's a 'new' runway in Marshal. Even comes with a fancy new GPS approach. And then there's the 'departure route'!!!! Go figure! Has you taking off east and climbing till your out of breath, then a right turn to Bethel or wherever.

And to add a note, Yute just last week (?) bounced one hard in Tunt, in 'marginal VFR'. I say marginal with ample amounts of sarcasm. The tundra can lull you into a completely false sense of security! You can be as pro as you want, or as cowboy as you want up there. It's interesting to watch peoples decisions on which style they choose. Any delta dogs out there, correct me if I'm off base, but that was my experience.

McJohn, the money's there, but only while the tourists bring it in. A few months in the summer, and you can save up enough to live on for the winter.... I've been spending my summer money up to now... and having a great time playing in the states! Anyway, the point is that the money can be made, but it's seasonal. I wouldn't mind going back in a year or two and doing it again!
New runway? You mean they finally got rid of that one carved out of the side of a hill where the windsocks would be blowing in opposite directions at either end of the field? I guess that means no more ice strip plowed out on the Yukon in the winter. That thing was like landing on a piece of slate is was so solid.

Yeah, the old one was more fun..If you talk to the old guys, the one before that was even better. . .
The Known Ice is for flying IFR. Most, not all the time, when in IMC in Alaska you will be getting ice. So you aren't going IFR in the sled, in general. Great for gettin in on a ILS. But not for going place to place in general. So a company doesn't want to spend the money to keep the plane or the pilots IFR current. That was all I was saying. I agree in full with the time requirements. I was the highest time guy in my ground school. Still was an eye opening experience. The lower time guys were held back with a tight rien. Best flying yet! Might be going back!

I would say most of the time I have flown IFR in Alaska I have not gotten any ice. That really has nothing to do with IFR. I have gotten ice up there in clear air VFR as well.

Again, do not expect to go get a job in Alaska with less than IFR mins, even though most jobs are VFR.
AVIATION SERVICES / DBA FREEDOM AIR (Cherokee Six Pilots - Saipan & Tinian, CNMI (500TT, 100X-C, 25 Night X-C))
Tel: (671) 472-8009 or (671) 472-8010

Dont do it, the owner is a jerk, one of the station managers has a rep of trying to rough up pilots when they dont go in low weather, and most of the locals have serious superiority complex. I live there for a year and work for a similar operation, 1600 a month and you go almost 2 months no pay, pay doenst start till end of IOE which can be up to 3 weeks or so. Yes the weather is great there, 81 degrees all year, moonsoon season in August, nice breeze and snorkeling and scuba is good. Downside, isolated as ever, alot of greencard hunters and no that is not a good thing (one of the pilots I hired as a replacement when I left is regretting his), pay is self explanatory, cost of products are high. If I was back in the situation of under 1000 TT but meeting VFR mins for 135, King Airelines in Las Vegas would be my choice. decent climate, multi time, pay sucks but as with any of them it would be for a year or less. Kitty Hawk Tours is a fun operation, the owner Jay is a down to earth guy, he usually starts looking around february and march to interview to get ready for the busy season. Great Lakes in Michigan has been advertising but I dont know anything about them. Northern Aviation with Nick Steo is an interesting job, travel the country doing aerial photography, great way to get paid to travel for the next year but its all single engine time. On other websites I have seen nwa airlink advertising 500TT w CMEL and 1st class med, no multi requirements if that floats your boat. I keep my ears to the ground for ops, the best time to look is when you are employed, PM me if you need any more info.
AVIATION SERVICES / DBA FREEDOM AIR (Cherokee Six Pilots - Saipan & Tinian, CNMI (500TT, 100X-C, 25 Night X-C))
Tel: (671) 472-8009 or (671) 472-8010

Dont do it, the owner is a jerk, one of the station managers has a rep of trying to rough up pilots when they dont go in low weather, and most of the locals have serious superiority complex. I live there for a year and work for a similar operation, 1600 a month and you go almost 2 months no pay, pay doenst start till end of IOE which can be up to 3 weeks or so. Yes the weather is great there, 81 degrees all year, moonsoon season in August, nice breeze and snorkeling and scuba is good. Downside, isolated as ever, alot of greencard hunters and no that is not a good thing (one of the pilots I hired as a replacement when I left is regretting his), pay is self explanatory, cost of products are high. If I was back in the situation of under 1000 TT but meeting VFR mins for 135, King Airelines in Las Vegas would be my choice. decent climate, multi time, pay sucks but as with any of them it would be for a year or less. Kitty Hawk Tours is a fun operation, the owner Jay is a down to earth guy, he usually starts looking around february and march to interview to get ready for the busy season. Great Lakes in Michigan has been advertising but I dont know anything about them. Northern Aviation with Nick Steo is an interesting job, travel the country doing aerial photography, great way to get paid to travel for the next year but its all single engine time. On other websites I have seen nwa airlink advertising 500TT w CMEL and 1st class med, no multi requirements if that floats your boat. I keep my ears to the ground for ops, the best time to look is when you are employed, PM me if you need any more info.
Dude, did you pick up a coke habit in Saipan? slow down a little hombre!

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