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Logging Safety Pilot Time?

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"Uh....oh yeah...&quo
Jul 20, 2003
Is it permissable as PIC...since under the FAR's the Safety Pilot is a required crewmember?
This subject gets covered a lot. A little effort with the search engine should net you more than you wanted to know.
The problem with all these "kinda PIC but not really" situations is that, regardless of what the FAA considers PIC, what matters is what an airline will accept as such. I'm not aware of a carrier that would let you count safety pilot time. It seems to me most of them will count PIC only if:

1. You signed for the airplane.
2. You gave instruction in the airplane.
3. You received instruction in the airplane.

I would add that I don't see how it would make much difference. In my nearly 1300 hours, I probably have all of 8-11 hrs as safety pilot. Hardly worth worrying about, IMHO.
I'm not aware of a carrier that would let you count safety pilot time.

I know two guys flying for Skywest who did 90% of their multi-time this way.

When they rewrite part 61 I hope they change PIC under it to something more clear. It is highly retarded right now imho (for a lot of reasons not just the safety pilot, sole manipulator, etc. stuff).
Logging time as a Safety Pilot IS lame.

The regulation requiring a safety pilot is not written for the benefit of shameless time-builders, but to encourage practice and proficiency by those flying under the hood.

Just sit there and keep your head on a swivel, and appreciate good work that CFII's have done in making instrument pilots. And when you need some practice, maybe the other fellow will act as safety pilot for you.
When they rewrite part 61 I hope they change PIC under it to something more clear.
It =is= clear. Been clear for a lot of years. Wasn't changed when they revised Part 61 10 years ago and there's nothing that changes it in the current proposed revision.

You just don't like it. That's a different issue.

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