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Well-known member
May 17, 2004
Hey Neil:

How about an iPhone app? Simple, Accurate, Inexpensive, Everyone has it, Do you?

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If you have a Mac log ten pro is native. It does everything logbook pro does and no need to run windows. Check it out. They have a great iPhone app!
I use the iPhone app now and export it to LogBook Pro.

It's good but not as good as APDL with LogBook Pro. LogTen has a couple cool features like calculating night and what not. But APDL does a ton more like show an entire month and let you select to display block time total, duty total, RON, day / nite landings, aircraft, ect. Also has loads of duty tracking capability as well as flight time tracking with configurable alerts for both.

Just with LBP would figure out apple apps or LogTen would support PC.

I believe the last Logbook Pro newsletter said that there was an iPhone version in beta testing right now that was nearly ready for release. Hopefully it will be soon.
I use the iPhone app now and export it to LogBook Pro.

It's good but not as good as APDL with LogBook Pro. LogTen has a couple cool features like calculating night and what not. But APDL does a ton more like show an entire month and let you select to display block time total, duty total, RON, day / nite landings, aircraft, ect. Also has loads of duty tracking capability as well as flight time tracking with configurable alerts for both.

Just with LBP would figure out apple apps or LogTen would support PC.


Actually log ten does all that too. It's just that their version of the analyzer is built a little differently. The user builds smart queries which are constantly adjusted anytime you input new data. They are always visible along the side of the window much like playlists in iTunes.

I'm not saying thatbone is better then the other, I've just used both extensively and like the log ten a little better. It took me a while to get it figured out but once I did it was better for me. In fact I actually downloaded it once and went back to lbp but the hassle of running windows made me try a little harder and it was well worth it.

Both good programs tho!
Do you know if there is a way to import lbp into logten?

There is! That was one thing that I had to take a little time to get through, but the folks at coradine were very helpful! As I recall, there were a few fields that didn't match up that I had to change around. The thing is that ltp offers many more fields to input data into. For example, NVG time, cat launches, nav time, pretty much any conceivable outlet that you'd need to log time they have. Of course, you can customize them to see what you do and don't want to see.

But to answer the question, yes. It is quite simple to import. You should download the trial and check it out. I think the only thing it doesn't let you do is save the logbook, but you can put data in and play with the interface. Feel free to PM me if you do and have any questions...
Thanks. The fact that logbook pro refuses to make it available on the mac is my reason to look elsewhere. Will take a look and pm if I have any questions..

LogBook Pro has an app in the app store for iPhone / iPad ( although iPad app isn't up yet or NC software expects an iPhone app to suffice). Either way it's GREAT news!

It was like watching a race between LogTen and LogBook Pro to see who would cross develop first and it seems LogBook Pro won.

I haven't got it yet but I will when I get home in a couple days and see how it looks. Hopefully the full iPad app will be out by then.

I feel like one of those people in the windows 7 commercials saying windows 7 was their idea. An iPhone app for LogBook Pro was my idea.

(hey Neil, wanna throw me a "review copy"?)

P.S. APDL on the iPhone would be AWESOME!!!!


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