Ok. While some are stranded on the SIC payscale for long periods, we are talking about the last 48 people hired at NetJets (out of 1850 pilots). I was hired in 2002, I am a SIC and am on the Captain payscale. I have been since my 6th week at NetJets. Now that the fleet is expanding again, I expect most SIC pay to go away after 6 months or so. Most stay because of the "hope" of a better contract and the promise of retro pay that would bring the low low SIC pay of 27K up to 40K-45K retro active to date of hire. No one knew it would take so long.wingnutt said:well that sucks.
can someone explain why it is then, that people are so hyped about flying for them?
your post didnt show any f/o that got what i used to make flying a C90 single pilot
with a 17 day schedule and 2200 a month, am i the only one who just cant see the attraction
With that said, I see the contract problem closed in 3 months (cautiously optimistic). NetJets will be a far better place to work than it is today, including pay. That's the attraction.