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Lets talk unions....

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Oh yeah, Spector's are nice. Had one way back in High School. I liked it a lot. I'd like to pick one up again.

405, Do yourself a favor. If you are that concerned about what might or might not be in your contract. Do some research and contact other dispatchers represented by unions specifically TWU. See if you can get copies of there contracts and ask them what they think what does and doesn't work. When they finally come with the first TA compare it to the other contracts and what you've heard from them. Try and reject the first TA and reccomend to change what's weak in the contract from what you learned from the other company dispatchers. Don't leave it to the section chair or the local.

Good luck.
Gimpy said:
Oh yeah, Spector's are nice. Had one way back in High School. I liked it a lot. I'd like to pick one up again.

405, Do yourself a favor. If you are that concerned about what might or might not be in your contract. Do some research and contact other dispatchers represented by unions specifically TWU. See if you can get copies of there contracts and ask them what they think what does and doesn't work. When they finally come with the first TA compare it to the other contracts and what you've heard from them. Try and reject the first TA and reccomend to change what's weak in the contract from what you learned from the other company dispatchers. Don't leave it to the section chair or the local.

Good luck.

I don't think we'll get that far. We're working on decertification.
I would have never known

Wow Management should start calling you Santa because your trying to bring them their dream gift... Trying to decertify something that hasn't even been tried.. Sounds productive.... I hope your getting some kick backs in order to serve management a big bonus....Because i know your not getting anything out of the company...
En Mort Main
En Mort Main said:
Wow Management should start calling you Santa because your trying to bring them their dream gift... Trying to decertify something that hasn't even been tried.. Sounds productive.... I hope your getting some kick backs in order to serve management a big bonus....Because i know your not getting anything out of the company...
En Mort Main

I still have yet to hear what we are going to get from the union besides another deduction out of our check.
En Mort Main said:
Wow Management should start calling you Santa because your trying to bring them their dream gift... Trying to decertify something that hasn't even been tried.. Sounds productive.... I hope your getting some kick backs in order to serve management a big bonus....Because i know your not getting anything out of the company...
En Mort Main

Where have you worked where dispatchers were represented by a union? I'm curious. Let's hear about the great things our union will do for us.

I have gotten what everyone else in that office has gotten since August: Nothing. No annual pay raise, no bonus checks and more stringent work rules. Curiously enough, most of the people who have left the company since August were the people who wanted the union so bad.

I wish could say I was getting kick backs but I'm not. Here's something to chew on, Mort. How much money have we saved the company by voting this in? What have you been told about what we're going to get? I haven't been told sh*t. It's all a big secret.
ShutupandFly said:
Oh, this is just great. A NWA ALPA member spouting off about the virtues of unions. Are you really the same union that left the NWA mechanics out in the cold. Where was your solidarity when union brothers and sisters where picketing in front of the airports you had to walk into. Did you feel a twinge of pain as you crossed there picket line in MSP, DTW or MEM. Maybe if ALPA had supported them they might still have jobs. Oh well at least your still flying and getting a paycheck. BTW remember this the next time your sitting in the crew room slamming scab MX or NW management for screwing you with the bankrupcy. Ever think that if all of the NW unions backed each other you might have had a better standing. Now I'll ask again. What do you think the union is going to be able to improve in my office?

That strike was a tard strike. If they fell on their sword then no mechanics, no pilots, no F/As, no one would have a job. Good thing they were smart enough not to honor that picket line. It was a mechanic strike not a pilot strike. There is no union rule requiring a strike just because someone else is on one.
the Union has not done anything bad yet everything that has happened negative has been the company and only the company... Remember the union can't do anything until the contract is in. So if you want someone to blame, Blame management who has made the situation what it is. Remember good managed companies don't even come to having a union vote..
Company is going to continue to punish yje workforce for voting the union in... and don't believe that if you get rid of the union that things will be back to being jolly.... oh in the eyes of management you have disrespected them so now they have to prove they are the boss
En Mort Main
ShutupandFly said:
Oh, this is just great. A NWA ALPA member spouting off about the virtues of unions. Are you really the same union that left the NWA mechanics out in the cold. Where was your solidarity when union brothers and sisters where picketing in front of the airports you had to walk into. Did you feel a twinge of pain as you crossed there picket line in MSP, DTW or MEM. Maybe if ALPA had supported them they might still have jobs. Oh well at least your still flying and getting a paycheck. BTW remember this the next time your sitting in the crew room slamming scab MX or NW management for screwing you with the bankrupcy. Ever think that if all of the NW unions backed each other you might have had a better standing.

Gee Wally...I wonder why none of the OTHER unions at NWA honored the AMFA picket line? Let's see if you can choose the correct answer:

A. The mechanics crossed the pilot's picket line in 1998.
B. AMFA spent a lot of their energy alienating the other unions on the property, including referring to the IAM rampers as "bag smashers" and "ramp apes".
C. They were not affiliated with the AFL-CIO, and in fact poached the mechanics from an AFL-CIO union.
D. Their negotiating position was that the other employees needed to take larger cuts than the mechanics because mechanics are "special".
E. All of the above.

ShutupandFly said:
Now I'll ask again. What do you think the union is going to be able to improve in my office?

Ignoring the wonderful irony of you concluding that I couldn't possibly understand the situation at your company after you open with a long paragraph on your total understanding of the situation at mine...I'll repeat: Doesn't matter. The topic was "lets talk unions". There were some stupid generalizations made here, and I responded to them. I have some experience with unions and offered a counterpoint.

I believe collective bargaining is better than individual bargaining when several members of a class & craft work for the same company.
Gimpy said:
I think I struck a bit of a nerve!

S'okay. I got others. I connect them together to generate coherent thought. You should try it.

Gimpy said:
After making this post you tell me to that I have nothing to add the discussion? ROFL!!!!!! What a joke! What did your post prove?

Umm...it wasn't intended to prove anything. Was it supposed to?

Gimpy said:
HMMMMM? Interesting that you are an NWA pilot. Ask your brothers and sisters on furlough how they like ALPA. Better yet I'm sure Midlantic II aka Compass is going to make them feel better.

If we can get them the newest version of the Gimptron 3030 they should feel wonderful.

Gimpy said:
For all your rederick it comes down to ALPA works for you personally. Hooray for you. I know several NWA pilots on furlough who wouldn't think so highly of ALPA.

Who is "red erick" and what relation is he to me? I've heard of "Erik The Red", but there's no "red erick" in my lineage.

Gimpy said:
For you specifically OCD. Is there a diference between NWA ALPA and say PCL's dipsatcher's TWU union. Well, there's a difernece in membership by about 5,000 (give or take a few hundred) to say 30 or 40? Years and years of being an established union vs. there first contract. Different profession. Being out on the line vs. in HQ. I think you get the point. Or then again you probobly don't since you are too self absorbed.

NWA does not employ any "dipsatchers". We have a few "dip $h!ts"...but no dipsatchers.

Gimpy said:
Off my soap box. No go ahead and pick apart my post. Go ahead. I know you want to and can't resist. I'm done arguing with someone who reads posts and yet doesn't comprehend anything said by anyone else. Besides I'm sure you are dying for the last word. I for one don't need it.

I wish I could comprehend it! Had it been written when you were sober, or after your 13th birthday I might have had more luck with it. And don't feel bad...I used a soap box to reach the faucet when I was little, too.

(How'd I do?)
Occam's Razor said:
Gee Wally...I wonder why none of the OTHER unions at NWA honored the AMFA picket line? Let's see if you can choose the correct answer:

A. The mechanics crossed the pilot's picket line in 1998.
B. AMFA spent a lot of their energy alienating the other unions on the property, including referring to the IAM rampers as "bag smashers" and "ramp apes".
C. They were not affiliated with the AFL-CIO, and in fact poached the mechanics from an AFL-CIO union.
D. Their negotiating position was that the other employees needed to take larger cuts than the mechanics because mechanics are "special".
E. All of the above.

What ever helps you sleep at night.

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