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Lets talk unions....

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ss9e said:
republicans don't need any money. libertarians don't have a chance. vote hillary in '08.

God I hope the democrats are dumb enough to run her!
ShutupandFly said:
And again you miss the point. It’s not there money they are using to support these candidates. They reach into our paychecks and take the money from us. If I want to work I have to pay the union off. Maybe you have missed this but I think this thread is an excellent example of the fact that not all union members support the same positions as the unions. For your other point, no the management at this company is not tense, it’s the dispatcher that are tense. Again you speak of something you know nothing about. I have never worked for a management team as supportive of the dispatchers as I have here. Some people have problems with them but they also seem to be the same ones that have never worked at another office before. I guess they expect this place to be like NASA mission control.

As for wishing me luck. Thanks, now that the union is here we are going to need it.

Hey good luck man. Once the union starts the hostile angry relationship with management enough employees will see the light. Eventually you will be able to do a decertification drive to throw those SOBs off the property. It will be a beautiful day. Someday America WILL be union free. Oh yes it will take a long time but some how, some way we will fight the good fight and rid ourselves of these boils on the A$$ of humanity. They have done nothing but trash and ruin once great careers.
ShutupandFly said:
And again you miss the point. It’s not there money they are using to support these candidates. They reach into our paychecks and take the money from us. If I want to work I have to pay the union off.

Eh? You posted this: "Many union members are not democrats but because we are members we are forced to support a party we see as socialist. Maybe I wouldn’t complain so much about this if equal support were given to the Republicans, and Libertarians."

And I explained how a union (eg: ALPA) contributes to any candidate who supports us. I even pasted your comments to keep my response in context. If you're gonna change the track, try to keep in on the same cd.

ShutupandFly said:
Maybe you have missed this but I think this thread is an excellent example of the fact that not all union members support the same positions as the unions.


And I pointed out that we often have disagreements on policy and priorities with people in our own family! It's human nature. Some of those disagreements are going to be with the humans that run your office and your company. They could get very serious, and could lead to a significant life event for you or your co-workers. That is where I believe it is better to speak collectively rather than as individuals.

You disagree.

(See? Even professionals in the same industry can disagree!)

Your disagreement with me on the benefits of collective bargaining are based on a few months being represented by a union. My views are based on 19-years worth of first-hand experience with collective bargaining.

ShutupandFly said:
As for wishing me luck. Thanks, now that the union is here we are going to need it.

You don't need luck. You need some cheese for that whine. You're reminding me of my coffee this morning...steaming and bitter.

Maybe I should change my s/n to "ShutUpAndFuelPlan"
Definition of Occam's Razor compliments of Wikpedia - Occam's razor states that the explanation of any phenomenonshould make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory.

Per dictionary.com -
A rule in science and philosophy stating that entities should not be multiplied needlessly. This rule is interpreted to mean that the simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable and that an explanation for unknown phenomena should first be attempted in terms of what is already known. Also called law of parsimony.
risible \RIZ-uh-buhl\, adjective:
1. Capable of laughing; disposed to laugh.
2. Exciting or provoking laughter; worthy of laughter; laughable; amusing.
3. Relating to, connected with, or used in laughter; as, "risible muscles."

Per the definition of Occam's razor, your screen name does not fit. You make way to many assumptions, as well as leave out too many relevant details. You think that only your own situation with a union is relevant and no other point of view is worth anything . It is also not risible since you sound like a broken record, and your insults of others are childish and baseless.

Others on this board had it right. OCD is much more appropriate. It sounds like you've gotten shock therapy. Alpa's great! BZZZT! Alpa's great! BZZZT!

Feel free to pick apart this post like you have everyone else's and only quote the parts you like. Anyone can just scroll up and read the actual post in it's context. You're worse than Bush cherry picking intelligence for the gulf war.

19 years of collective bargaining? Only 11k of flight time? Which airline do you work for? Good for you. Prove it. Frankly, I don't believe any of it.
Gimpy said:
Per the definition of Occam's razor, your screen name does not fit. You make way to many assumptions, as well as leave out too many relevant details. You think that only your own situation with a union is relevant and no other point of view is worth anything . It is also not risible since you sound like a broken record, and your insults of others are childish and baseless.

Somebody needs a hug!

Gimpy said:
Others on this board had it right. OCD is much more appropriate. It sounds like you've gotten shock therapy. Alpa's great! BZZZT! Alpa's great! BZZZT!

And a kiss! Somebody needs a kiss too....maybe with some tongue in it!

Gimpy said:
Feel free to pick apart this post like you have everyone else's and only quote the parts you like. Anyone can just scroll up and read the actual post in it's context. You're worse than Bush cherry picking intelligence for the gulf war.

Whoa! That's low!

Gimpy said:
19 years of collective bargaining? Only 11k of flight time? Which airline do you work for? Good for you. Prove it. Frankly, I don't believe any of it.

Yes; Yes (Check Airman for 9-years); NWA; Thanks!; If you prove you're gimpy; Don't care.

I get paid for "credit". My union negotiated it for me to keep my managers from exploiting the pay-by-the-hour concept. My fighter time was accumulated in .8 segments...but they were a lot of fun.

Since you have nothing to add to the discussion, why don't you go get that hug?
After a group elects to have a union represent them, what should the next steps be? What's supposed to happen?

Someone answer this for me. We'll go from there.
Occam's Razor said:
Yes; Yes (Check Airman for 9-years); NWA; Thanks!

Oh, this is just great. A NWA ALPA member spouting off about the virtues of unions. Are you really the same union that left the NWA mechanics out in the cold. Where was your solidarity when union brothers and sisters where picketing in front of the airports you had to walk into. Did you feel a twinge of pain as you crossed there picket line in MSP, DTW or MEM. Maybe if ALPA had supported them they might still have jobs. Oh well at least your still flying and getting a paycheck. BTW remember this the next time your sitting in the crew room slamming scab MX or NW management for screwing you with the bankrupcy. Ever think that if all of the NW unions backed each other you might have had a better standing. Now I'll ask again. What do you think the union is going to be able to improve in my office?
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ShutupandFly said:
What do you think the union is going to be able to improve in my office?

I'll tell you what's going to happen. We'll have another set of rules on top of the other rules we had before that were just fine. Can't you see that?

That is if our super secret contract gets voted in. Our self elected section chairman has all the details but won't share with the group. Maybe he'll go find another job. Go away, Xxx. Go crawl under a rock somewhere. Get out.

This whole thing sucks. It has only taken a few young uneducated moronic bloody f-holes to ruin an office that USED to be decent to work in.
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Occam's Razor said:
Somebody needs a hug!

And a kiss! Somebody needs a kiss too....maybe with some tongue in it!

Whoa! That's low!

Yes; Yes (Check Airman for 9-years); NWA; Thanks!; If you prove you're gimpy; Don't care.

I get paid for "credit". My union negotiated it for me to keep my managers from exploiting the pay-by-the-hour concept. My fighter time was accumulated in .8 segments...but they were a lot of fun.

Since you have nothing to add to the discussion, why don't you go get that hug?

I think I struck a bit of a nerve!

After making this post you tell me to that I have nothing to add the discussion?
ROFL!!!!!! What a joke! What did your post prove? HMMMMM?
Interesting that you are an NWA pilot. Ask your brothers and sisters on furlough how they like ALPA. Better yet I'm sure Midlantic II aka Compass is going to make them feel better.

For all your rederick it comes down to ALPA works for you personally. Hooray for you. I know several NWA pilots on furlough who wouldn't think so highly of ALPA.

My point that I tried to make and am repeating one last time. Can unions work? Yes. Can unions work for Airlines? Yes. Do some work presently for workers especially in the airline industry? A few but not many due to the current conditions in this country and in this industry. Are most unions broken? Yes. Take a look in the newspaper, the internet, Read this thread, Read the majors forum, the regionals forum, and fractional forum, etc. BOHICA seems to be a common theme. The severity depends on the union and company involved.

For you specifically OCD. Is there a diference between NWA ALPA and say PCL's dipsatcher's TWU union. Well, there's a difernece in membership by about 5,000 (give or take a few hundred) to say 30 or 40? Years and years of being an established union vs. there first contract. Different profession. Being out on the line vs. in HQ. I think you get the point. Or then again you probobly don't since you are too self absorbed.

Off my soap box. No go ahead and pick apart my post. Go ahead. I know you want to and can't resist. I'm done arguing with someone who reads posts and yet doesn't comprehend anything said by anyone else. Besides I'm sure you are dying for the last word. I for one don't need it.
ShutupandFly said:
Are you really the same union that left the NWA mechanics out in the cold. Where was your solidarity when union brothers and sisters where picketing in front of the airports you had to walk into. Did you feel a twinge of pain as you crossed there picket line in MSP, DTW or MEM. Maybe if ALPA had supported them they might still have jobs.

Well said.

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