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Lets talk unions....

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Apr 24, 2006
After reviewing my other post "Lead follow or get the hell out of the way" i have decided to tell you frankly about unions.

Let me tell you this people. I have been in fractionals for almost 7 years now. Prior to that, we discussed it in college. Let me tell you, management HATES unions.

Say you start your own company and you hire some people that you trust with Millions of dollars worth of you own personal assets. Then some jackass lookin for a buck tells you that you no longer understand your company and the needs of the employees that you hired and says that you should pay him to talk to your own employees that you hired.

How would you feel?

Me personally, I think that paying a union rep to speak for you shows that you are either too scared or cannot find the words to speak for yourself.

Unions destroy the bottom line of a company and makes me realize that gangsters, I mean unions will do anything to make a buck. Even if it means capitalizing on a few weak minded men and women to pay them for their services to talk. Heck, if thats the case, pay us dispatchers, we'll be your backbone to do your deeds.

Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap. "AC/DC" still lives...
Unions also provide a collective voice. A lone individual has little or no power to stand up for himself when his employer threatens, harrasses or intimidates the employee in order to get what it wants. It can't do that to a collective group of people.
Toyota makes $40 million a day in profits.

GM loses $16 million a day. They have no profit.

Guess which one has a "Union" ?
fracsdispatcher said:
Me personally, I think that paying a union rep to speak for you shows that you are either too scared or cannot find the words to speak for yourself.
Me personally, I think that paying a lawyer to speak for you in court shows that you are either too scared or cannot find the words to speak for yourself.

Also me personally, I think that paying a doctor to diagnose your ills shows that you are either too scared or cannot find the words to dianose yourself.

Bottom line, I pay lots of other professionals to do things that are important to me but that I don't want to waste my time learning how to do myself.
fracsdispatcher said:
Let me tell you this people. I have been in fractionals for almost 7 years now. Prior to that, we discussed it in college...but not at a college that teaches you how to put a comma before "people", so the sentence reads correctly. Let me tell you, management HATES unions. And kittens! They HATE kittens. Actually, they hate anything that prevents them from stuffing huge gobs of profits into the pockets of their $400-a-pair slacks...or snuggly into the cleavage between the $9000-a-pair fun bags they bought for their trophy wife.

Say you start your own company and you hire some people that you trust with Millions of dollars worth of you own personal assets. You started the company to lose money...wait!...that's not right! You started the company to make money. Lots of it. Circus tents full of money that you intended to spend on humanitarian endeavors...like a Bentley to drive your withered mother to church, or a congressman. Your very own congressman. Then some jackass (employees should be referred to as "jackass" to improve morale) lookin for a buck (The nerve! Who said jackasses deserved a buck?)tells you that you no longer understand your company and the needs of the employees that you hired and says that you should pay him to talk to your own employees that you hired. Nevermind that to do that he had to have been chosen by a majority of all the jackasses you employ...who does this jackass think he is? I mean really! Don't you hire a buttload of lawyer jackasses and HR jackasses to talk to your common jackasses for you? Just because you hire professionals to talk to your jackasses, what stupid law gives your jackasses the right to hire a professional to talk to them? Didn't your congressman tell you he could fix that? "Hey! Lawyer jackass! Get my congressman on the phone, pronto!"

How would you feel? Assuming you felt the slightest bit of empathy for your jackasses. In college they taught you that happy jackasses don't need unions because they're happy. Apparently, your jackasses don't have the same sort of empathy for you! Shouldn't they be as happy as you were when you brought your trophy wife home with those all-conference hooters? A vicarious thrill still counts as a "thrill"...right?

Me personally, I think that paying a union rep to speak for you shows that you are either too scared or cannot find the words to speak for yourself. I mean, really, ol' "Steve", the dispatcher that worked in the cubicle next to me...he stood up and spoke for himself. I hear he's a telemarketer in Duluth now, hawking timeshares at Camp Wobegon. But didn't it work for him? Oh, it didn't? Well, anyway...

Unions destroy the bottom line of a company and makes me realize that gangsters, I mean unions will do anything to make a buck for their jackasses. Even if it means capitalizing on a few weak minded men and women to pay them for their services to talk. Weaklings like New York City firefighters and policemen. Heck, if thats the case, pay us dispatchers, we'll be your backbone to do your deeds, Mr. Bossman. I'll do anything yoy say cuz you're always fair, and always put my well-being before the needs of the shareholders. After all...it's the shareholders that get the job done and make your company profitable!

Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap. "AC/DC" still lives...so I'll keep doing my best "dirt cheap". If I decide I'd like a piece of the success of your company, I'll mention it to your lawyer jackasses myself. After all, the catchy slogan is right: An Army of One!

Edited for clarity.
Nindiri said:
Me personally, I think that paying a lawyer to speak for you in court shows that you are either too scared or cannot find the words to speak for yourself.

Also me personally, I think that paying a doctor to diagnose your ills shows that you are either too scared or cannot find the words to dianose yourself.

Bottom line, I pay lots of other professionals to do things that are important to me but that I don't want to waste my time learning how to do myself.

The bottom line is when I pay professionals to provide a service, I have a choice it the profesionals I pay. The Union I have to deal with here was chosen for me and is costing me more than the dues it will be collecting. As far as being professionals, they are professionals, professional dispatchers not negotiators or lawyers.
Occam's Razor said:
Edited for clarity.

Occam's Razor and hoover, do you know what the conditions were in our office before this union got voted in? I would bet you have no idea at all. My next question is do you have any idea what it's like in our office now? Again, I would bet you have no clue.

Thanks for your general opinions and comments.

I would like to extend a special thanks to Occam's Razor for making his special comments in red. You are truly a special person. I really appreciate it.
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