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Let's Hear it Folks ! You Might be a FR8DOG if......

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You ask Ft. Worth Center where the "thin" part of the squall line is located.

You have ever asked for a block of altitude.

You write up the DME and MX removes it.

You have ever lost your turn coordinator, radar and heater in the same flight.

Your chief pilot asks you if you know the difference between a logbook and an insurance form?

You keep an extra large Snickers duct-taped to a extra large Mountain Dew bottle. You do so for those "just in case" instances when the weather is good and you're tired.

After landing, the folks at the FBO said, "Sure looks awful low out there." You reply, "Yep, right at minimums."

You have ever used a AM Radio station for navigation.

Your company motto among the pilots is: "Don't be late, penetrate!"

Fifteen of your fellow pilots quit with three days notice to work for Eagle.
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brokeflyer said:
You get home from flying all night just in time for the kids to wake up so you can babysit them until your flight leaves later that night.


Did this for 4 years as a freightdawg!

You show up at an airport, it is the middle of the night, it is dark, there is not one light on besides the rotating beacon. You call customer service, they tell you the truck and forklift are sitting on the ramp waiting for you. There is nothing on the ramp, because you are at the wrong airport. You check your paper work, it says you are at the right airport. Now it is your fault, because you went to the airport you were suppose to and now you are delaying the trip because you did not read the customer's mind.
Hehehe, yeah...

Or you get to the right airport to move some super-sensitive bank materials and know that there is going to be some kind of "handler" riding along. So you taxi in, jump out of your faithful grungy steed wearing your most hoboesque cutoffs and faded company polo "uniform" shirt with the cigar butt clenched in your shaven two (or was it three?) days ago mug expecting some
HS dropout security type...

only to discover a really hot teller is going to be next to your avgas and Aeroshell soaked, sleep depraved butt for an hour and a half...
when you fly a clapped out falcon 20 at 280 cause you ain't got no rvsm. no auto pilot, no flight director. RAW DATA to mins.
When your pressurized turboprop never sees a Flight level
(unless you go international).

When the required TCAS/TAWS is worth more than the entire

You despise your dispatcher saying the words "super-super ASAP"

While waiting on freight with no other place to go, you decide that with a modest effort the 9-G Net can be strategically re clipped into a makeshift hammock for a few z's.

Seeing other crews with Taco Palenque from LRD makes you jealous.

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