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HoserASA said:
OhPlease, I have no twisted version of the facts. I emailed the MEC & Neg Comm Chair as I had not received any info about this offer, supposal, whatever you want to call it. John Rice will brief this tomorrow at the LEC meeting, so you'll have your opportunity to ask him there, your face to his face, and all the others face to face. Think you can handle that?

I was told the offer, proposal, supposal etc was inadequate, did not address our issues, had minimal increase for the CR2/ATR, and no cola for the CR7. Rigs were neutered to point of being useless. The company is trying to tie all these issues to PBS, which pilot polling indicates no one wants in lieu of our current method of bidding.

As for the SKYW offer, it may or may not be real. The MEC has not verified it's authentic as the document is not on any official letterhead with signatures. The MEC says if true, it is greater compensation than anything presented informally by the company, and scheduling issues include items already agreed to in our Section 13.

So, call me names all you want but I honestly was not informed of this so-called unofficial supposal. Please question the Neg Comm Chair tomorrow if you attend the meeting. P2Ps don't always get all the info out there, which has been a sore spot with me for the 9+ years I've been on the P2P Comm.


Why wasn't P2P informed of the "supposal"? Why did members of the MEC deny the "supposal" was made in the first place?
Here we go again JB. How dear you criticize our last MEC Chairman that worked seflishly for many more years than you have. Again you just confirmed to the world what a Jack$%# you really are. Get a life. Why were you not at the LEC meeting today? If you grow a pair, maybe you can come back and do the job you were elected to do.
atrdriver said:
Nothing prevents that. But it kind of blows their arguement that we are overpriced when they offer the Skywest pilots MORE than we make on both aircraft, doesn't it? Still believe that we are overpaid? Why don't you just send you check back to the company? And why would they set up a domicile here when we are cheaper? You don't understand that this is about control. They want to have their ultimate control over the pilots. Maybe that doesn't bother you, but it does me.

Exactly, this is about control. Jerry isn't going to allow ALPA to dictate terms. If we don't want to play ball, he will take his ball home. Lack of scope is coming home to roost now isn't it?
Here we go again JB. How dear you criticize our last MEC Chairman that worked seflishly for many more years than you have.

I asked a question ASACAPT. I like to question authority on BOTH sides. Sinca3 made the following observation:

The new MEC is more open and willing to work with the company, but the company hasn't changed their tune!

I have heard similar statements from members of the MEC. Sounds like we had a problem on our side of the table also. Was there a problem before?

As far as him working more years for ALPA than I, that is incorrect. The former MEC Chairman didn't get involved until around 1998. He was very critical of the MEC Chairman in the '96-'97 timeframe. It wasn't until the 146 issue that he really got very involved.

Was it OK for him to be critical of ALPA and the ASA MEC? He was as critical if not more critical than I am.
ASADri Should we just sit here and let Skywest transfer the flying while we wait for the Board. The offer has been made said:
Why are so many of you assuming that if we give the company what they want, we suddenly get to keep all our flying and nothing else gets transferred to Skywest???? We could agree to a really low cost contract, and STILL lose flying!!!

The only scope we will be given is the scope we negotiate for. I hope all of you realize this needs to be our NUMBER ONE ISSUE.
JustaNumber said:
Why are so many of you assuming that if we give the company what they want, we suddenly get to keep all our flying and nothing else gets transferred to Skywest???? We could agree to a really low cost contract, and STILL lose flying!!!

The only scope we will be given is the scope we negotiate for. I hope all of you realize this needs to be our NUMBER ONE ISSUE.

Very good point JustaNumber, however our MEC is not making it the number one issue and the scope they are asking for is inadequate. Anything short of a single list is a waste of time. The scope we are asking for still allows Skywest to transfer 15% of our flying and after the 15%, they just have to take the pilots with the aircraft. Sorry, but that is unacceptable.

Why aren't we asking for a single list? Why are we relying on Skywest joining ALPA for our scope? What will that do even if Skywest joins ALPA? How many aircraft can be transferred while we wait for Skywest to join ALPA? Is there any strategic planning going on????
JoeMerchant said:
Exactly, this is about control. Jerry isn't going to allow ALPA to dictate terms. If we don't want to play ball, he will take his ball home.
Hey crybaby JB:
Isn't that what you do at LEC meetings when you don't get your way? Don't you take your ball (in this case meeting notes) and run home to your girlfriend? Grow a pair, you look more and more like an ass every day! Your anti-alpa campaign is only making things worse for yourself! You are doing your fellow aviators at ASA no favors by acting like the horses hiney that you are! Grow up you sissy!
Lack of scope is coming home to roost now isn't it?
You mean the same scope you are trying to have eliminated? Sorry baby, you can't have it your way! Now back to stealing meeting notes and storming out of meetings (that means take your ball and go home)!
Scope out RJ's said:
You mean the same scope you are trying to have eliminated?

What scope? We don't have any real scope, and you don't either judging by the loss of jobs.
JoeMerchant said:
What scope? We don't have any real scope, and you don't either judging by the loss of jobs.

Yes we do, we have iron clad scope. When was the last time you saw EV code being flown by someone other than an ASA pilot?
JoeMerchant said:
Sinca, this quote interested me. Are you referring to our former MEC Chairman? I have heard this from several ALPA people recently. Was there a problem with our former MEC Chairman?

Not sure about the former MEC Chairman but we are currently having a problem with the current LEC 112 Sec./Treas. doing his job. Everyone is talking about him thinking he is above all the pilots at ASA. I defended you Joey and have been telling all those asking why you are the way you are that you are under the influence of an older over controlling personality that you are codependent upon. It's not nice to fool with MOTHER NATURE is it BoyToy?:laugh:
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