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Latest ASA offer

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ohplease! said:
I'm sure they would. But, you've missed the whole point of the discussion. dumbass. But, thats perfectly normal for you. Never mind the facts....of anything....just shout out loud how much of a dumbass you are.

ignorant moron!

Our management speaks with forked tongue PaleFace. They have lied so much that we should not even sit down across the table with these people in informal talks. The last time they took back everything that had proposed previously. They are taking advantage of the MEC because they are unethical. You believe what you want and trust who you want. Those who deal with the clowns know better.
HoserASA said:
You have your own poll that you conduct ASADriver? ALPA constantly conducts polls of our pilot group, and this determines what the MEC and Negotiation Team negotiate for. They don't read or respond to anything posted on flightinfo.

There is no "unofficial" offer as you state, nor a Skywest offer. The only way this gets done is through the RLA,which is law. We have to go through steps/processes to achieve a TA, or the NMB releases us. Even then the President can prevent us from actually going out on strike. It's stacked against labor, and greatly favors management, especially with the Republicians in power. Read the material ALPA mails you to get a better understanding of the process.

if you did/do not have all the information out there, you should get the latest information before passing your opinion or old information off as official P2P in the know information.

I do read any and all information mailed and e-mailed from ALPA natl. and our MEC and I do understand the process completely.

I do take any opportunity to speak to the CNC members and get the "latest" info. I have not and will not micromanage the CNC/MEC but, I will not simply spout the "party line" mindlessly. If I disagree with something I let it be known, however unpopular that makes me.
atrdriver said:
Yes, many probably would take what Skywest currently has, with the new "offer" thrown in, as long as it was in the form of a binfing contract, and not just a pilocy manual. Except the PBS. This, however, has NOT been offered to us. In fact, the company has not even broached the idea of profit sharing. Why don't you call BL and ask HIM why the company has not offered us the Skywest "contract"? Afraid of what he would say?

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Bizjet said:
There is plenty of information out there if you want to show some initative and GET IT. Babies are spoon fed and then they are weaned. It is time for you to get off the teat!

Well lets see, the MEC website is about as useless as reading one of your posts. When and if you can find a P2P, its like this "If you ask five people the same question you get five different answers". They send these ASA MEC e-mails that lately don't say anything. I'm paying dues and even voted yes to get this thing done. I shouldn't have to find the secret squirrel to get the latest intel.

Answer this Biz, Why wasn't the latest supposal sent in the ASA MEC e-mails. The rank and file shouldn't have to find out about it some message board.
Bizjet said:
Our management speaks with forked tongue PaleFace. They have lied so much that we should not even sit down across the table with these people in informal talks. The last time they took back everything that had proposed previously. They are taking advantage of the MEC because they are unethical. You believe what you want and trust who you want. Those who deal with the clowns know better.
you are correct. there have been lies and half-truths on both sides. I don't take EITHER of the at their word.

If I have learned nothing else in all my years, I have learned there at 3 sides to every story.

yours/mine/the complete unbiased truth
his/hers/ " " "
them/theirs/ " " "

well, you get the idea.
atlcrjdriver said:
Answer this Biz, Why wasn't the latest supposal sent in the ASA MEC e-mails. The rank and file shouldn't have to find out about it some message board.

let me answer with logic before he screws it up: it wasn't sent out to rank and file because the company withdrew it.
ohplease! said:
let me answer with logic before he screws it up: it wasn't sent out to rank and file because the company withdrew it.

Thanks for trying to answer there Oh Tease. Have you ever thought that the company wants to control the leak of information for their own agenda. If they wanted to keep these informal talks private unless there was something beneficial to release they should have not started a misinformation campaign. Now back to our regular news.

Oh Please go ahead with your live report from the ASA Management party at BL's house. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
atrdriver said:
They are having informal meetings because the company requested them, and ALPA would like to get this contract done. They are not willing to sign a crappy deal to get it done though, and I applaud them for that. Time is working against the company, not us.

I don't think the last offer was "crappy". Are you still going to say that time is on our sides when they transfer more airplanes?
atrdriver said:
You are so interested in "getting it done" that you are willing to take a substandard contract in that effort. Most of us are not.

The last offer, or the Skywest SAPA proposal are not substandard. They are both better than many other regionals. What is your standard?
atrdriver said:
Are you really do dumb that you don't understand that no matter what happens in the informal meetings that it is NOT AN OFFICIAL OFFER until the company goes to the NMB and gets negotiations resumed? Do you REALLY NOT UNDERSTAND THAT???????

I believe a deal could be taken to the mediator. But both sides have to agree to the deal first. Our side apparantly didn't agree because of PBS.

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