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Job interview

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New member
Feb 11, 2005
I am going to have an interview for airport manager down at a smaller aitport in Oklahoma. Dose anyone know what details the interviewers will be looking for. I have to go to the city hall for the interview so I don't think that they will have the knowledge of a pilot like myself??
You will most likely be in a panel interview, with a person from HR, people from the aviation department, and other people from the city.

They will be looking for managerial, leadership, financial and cost cutting skills, in addition to knowledge of FARs and contracts.
I wouldnt be so quick to dismiss the city leaders in Altus as being completely ignorant about matters concerning aviation. Altus has been the home of an Airforce base for years, and the municipal airport there is a fairly nice facility. Being an airport manager has very little to do with being a pilot, amd everything to do with being a good polititian, businessman, and PR man. Trust me, you are not going to impress them by just being a pilot. Be ready to answer questions that have absolutely nothing to do with flying, such as how you would plan for economic growth concerning the airport, etc. Do you know anything about grant writing? That is a big advantage to being an airport manager... knowing what grant programs are available, and knowing how to get them. Do yourself a favor and do some research on the town, the airport, and the surrounding area before you go. I dont know how Altus is, but in my home town here in OK, the municipal airport board is made up ENTIRELY of active pilots. If you go into the interview prepared to talk about something other than how much you know about flying, you will impress them.
Resume Writer said:
You will most likely be in a panel interview, with a person from HR, people from the aviation department, and other people from the city.

They will be looking for managerial, leadership, financial and cost cutting skills, in addition to knowledge of FARs and contracts.

Im a horrible speller, but make SURE you use SPELLCHECK!
Altus Ok!!!!

I was based there for a while as a pilot for Ameriflight. The people were very friendly. It was the best part of being based there. For a while I thought it was funny that all the women wore the same shirt until I found out they have women on work release from the local prison (Women only).

The airport has a VOR approach and is about a mile from Altus AFB. They get a bit of private aircraft, some Turbo props, so there was some jet A and avgas sales. They have an airport car that the airport manager uses to pick up the help (inmates).

There was an aircraft company on premesis. They had not sold an aircraft yet and it was a direct competitor with the c172. I think the town had invested a substantial sum of money in the company. I do not know what happened with that. There is a college program on site. I think an A&P program from the local college. There is a lot of Ag type activity from a grass strip right next door. They use no radios and I had more than a couple run ins with them.

The town is your basic middle of america type towns with a bit of a twist (Military). I heard there are some really bad parts of town also. Problem is the town is so small the good parts and bad parts are only three blocks away. But basically you are in the middle of nowhere.

Good luck on the interview.
"There is a lot of Ag type activity from a grass strip right next door. They use no radios and I had more than a couple run ins with them."

Sooo, what kind of "run ins" did you have with them? I know the guys at Jackson County Aerial Spraying there in Altus, and have for quite a while. Fact is, if you fly in Western Oklahoma, you better learn to co exist with ag pilots, because you will be seeing alot of them, especially in the spring and summer months. They only fly on VFR days, and it's pretty hard to miss seeing that big yellow airplane, unless you've got your head burried in cockpit. I spent five years flying ag, and I've had my share of "run ins" with overly cocky commercial types who though that just because they were in a shiny bird, they owned the airspace. Believe me, it's not the smartest thing to do to walk into an ag operation and proceed to tell an ag pilot how he needs to be flying just to accomodate you, ESPECIALLY if their operation has been in that location for years, and they operate off their OWN private strip. There's no reg that says they have to use radios, but you BOTH have the responsibility to see and avoid. Besides that, if I'm not mistaken, it states in the facility directory at Altus Municipal "heavy ag operations in vicinity of airport", or at least it used to. Not trying to get on your case or anything, but I've known these guys you're talking about for a few years, and I'm just curious what the problem was.
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Sounds like you are getting on my case. Guess you ag pilots are the $hit and everybody else is a cocky commercial type. And I think they flew like they didn't care who else was in the air, and it probably was because their strip was there before the airport and they have some issues about it. But it still sucks to be on short final after shooting and approach and see a big yellow crop duster lifting off at you without so much as a peep. I never said anything about it being illegal. And I never met or talked to any of the pilots. But a Freekin radio call every once in a while wouldn't break your arm. Just because it is legal does not make it safe.
Not trying to get on your case about you getting on my case, just trying to clear things up.

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Secret Squirrel said:
.......a Freekin radio call every once in a while wouldn't break your arm. ......
Careful now! Nothing gets those ag pilot goin like asking them to make a radio call....... :eek:

This should get entertaining.

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