Last time I checked those $15 million airline careers were all gone and won't be back for years. So unless you're there now, you ain't gonna get there for a long, long time. I'm out on the street, like many others, just living day to day trying to figure out how to get a job that gets me back in the air. I'm guessing you have never even held a job that would expose you to the possibility of being furloughed. So take your 2500 hours and go talk to somebody who the meantime I'll send you my address so you can send my the $99 so pay to have the PRIVILEDGE of kissing someone's ass for a job that no longer exists!
My thoughts...I went to the ATL AIR INC Conf last July. Like Slick Willie said above, if you can see yourself working at jetBlue, SWA, AirTran, Alaska, or a number of regionals, the grip and grin portion is definitely worthwhile. Simply put, if you don't know somebody in the company at all of the above, except for maybe SWA, it is essential to meet the recruiters at either Air Inc or AEPS conference. Don't waste your money at anything other than the job fair and try to attend a conference that will minimize transportation costs/lodging in getting there.
BTW, another shameless plug for Mr. Publisher, eh?
Get motivated to be more competitive than your peers... Market yourself and network.
I'm not trying to flame anyone.... and obviously (some) thought I was in my previous post.... I'm just trying to point out the priority and motivation one needs to take to COMPETE in this challenging work environment...
If there is even ONE job at an Air Fair that I could market myself for I would go... If you don't try you will never ever get hired.
But seriously.... Are going to "limit" yourself and not do absolutely everything to get yourself back into the cockpit...
As far as the money goes.... Your family is number one (priority) hands down... But...Isn't that why you are working so hard to get that airline job that allows you to be home more than not.....
So.... here are some real alternatives to getting that $99.00. Without sacrificing what resources you do have for your family.
1. Credit card it.... how many do you get with 0% interest everyday.
2. E-Bay your junk.... one mans garbage is anothers treasure.
I cannot tell from the Air Inc site if Kit is selling Dallas for $99. It says sale only until 12/31/01.
My advice remains consistant, do everything you can to use all the resources.
That being said, you have to assess where you stand competitively. with these companies. I think I am safe to say that meeting someone from United is not going to be very productive.
I talked to Jerry McDermand today from EJA. He has all the resumes he needs for the next 5 years. If you are paying $214 to meet with them, you may be wasting time and money right now.
The question is who is likely to hire you anytime soon. Indigo just agreed to be a an AEPS primary resource user. Still, in the interview on AvCAreer.TV, it will be a while before they really gear up. American Eagle, forget it.
In short, only you can estimate your place in the chain. BE realistic, face to face time does count if you have the times. If you do not, you could be wasting time and money.
These shows are realistic opportunites from legitimate companies unlike climbto350 and others that glean their so called jobs from others boards.
Okay, So I shelled out the 99 bucks, I'm goin to Dallas, I've got apps in with all of the carriers there that I meet the minimums for. I stand in line to meet with these folks, when I get to the front of the line and finally meet up with the reps from each company, what in the world do I say? Also, Should I be concerned about walking up to the Jetblue people, telling them how much I want to work for them and then walking over and getting in the AirTran line? Anyway, I figure it can't hurt to go, just not sure what kind of approach to take with these folks when I get their ear for a moment or two. Thanks, good luck to all.
I called Air Inc and they said it was 175 for Saturday if your not a member and 150 something if you are a member. Does anybody know the real scoop?????
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