.Explain to me how that is fatiguing? No less than 16 hour overnights, no more than 11 hours on duty each day, all day flying (no circadian flipping), 3 days at home every week, half the month off.
First, that's nowhere near the 110+ credit hours you previously referenced that you're willing to fly.
Second, you haven't mentioned your commute from TN.
Clayton Osbon could have made the exact same arguments all the way up to his last flight.
You're not the first one who has engaged me in this discussion. You are a pilot. You're supposed to be professional. You can claim that you're never fatigued but you're now pulling the old bait and switch on me - talk about 110+ in credit being safe and then toss out a schedule with 72 hours' credit. Add in the other 38+ hours' credit plus your commute time.