Be careful a new hire will never see A320 Captain
2000 pilots on prop.
Roughly 1100 is a captain
900 upgrades/7.5 per plane
=120 new planes. Rate B6 is going=eternity
I dont quite see how you can say a newhire will never see 320 CAPT. Yes, it will prob be 8+ years for someone hired today, but good or bad, I would never say never in this industry. The economy could turn around, we could start to grow more, other airlines could grow again, some of our pilots could leave/medical out. Of course, the exact opposite could happen too. But, to say youll never get to 320 capt is reading tea leaves that simply arent there yet.
BTW, even with the sales/reductions, we will still have 134 airplanes by the end of 2008.