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jetblue EMB-190 pay??!!!

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Think again, 8vATE

You are incorrect, 8vATE. A pilot who is hired at JetBlue early next year will not be anywhere near being able to hold A320 Captain in year 2 or 3 of their employment. Using a hypothetical seniority number of 1000, take a look at our A320 delivery schedule and do the math. EMB Captain will come very fast, but A320 Captain will be many years down the road for these folks..........not that you care.
Vladimir Lenin said:
screw the rates, what really sucks is the fact that mgmt. is spying on their pilots on a farking message board

Nothing I hate worse than message boards that fark. :eek:
I haven't read the entire thread, so I apologize if this has already be brought up, But B6 is making a HUGE mistake publicizing this pay rate. By setting the bar at a low level, NOW, years before they actually fly a EMB, they have given their competition a barganing chip to use against their (the competitions) pilots. If I am a DCI manager, (and I'm not) I would demand concessionary bargaining NOW, Comair first, and give my self two years of lower wages before B6 flys it's first small jet. Maybe Neelman is about to sell to Delta.

I can't believe B6 was so flippin STUPID. Man, I must be missin something, why would they give their competition a mechanism to lower wages? Calvin is stumped

:-) said:
Man, I must be missin something, why would they give their competition a mechanism to lower wages? Calvin is stumped

Check between your ears, Cal.:)
Joe Peeoznotz said:
Check between your ears, Cal.:)

I already checked Joe. But thanks for the tip.

I stand by my comments. B6's competition is salivating about their new bargaining chip. I didn't say it was good, I said that B6 is making a big mistake by giving their competition a tool to negotiate lower rates. You'd better believe that management everywhere is jumping for joy to see JetBlue set the bar so low, and for handicapping themselves by two years to boot. Calvin self-deprecating, not stupid.


You are incorrect, 8vATE. A pilot who is hired at JetBlue early next year will not be anywhere near being able to hold A320 Captain in year 2 or 3 of their employment. Using a hypothetical seniority number of 1000, take a look at our A320 delivery schedule and do the math. EMB Captain will come very fast, but A320 Captain will be many years down the road for these folks..........not that you care.


Since you know everything BlueShoe..

And since you have decided I don't care..

What's your solution...??

Yes ... the upgrades to the 320 will slow......
An EMB new hire will make more quicker... but probably less overall to a previous 320 only newhire...

Instead of being so accusatory to someone.. why don't you enlighten us all?
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:-) said:
I already checked Joe. But thanks for the tip.

You'd better believe that management everywhere is jumping for joy to see JetBlue set the bar so low, and for handicapping themselves by two years to boot. Calvin self-deprecating, not stupid.



Dude, the -190 is set to be on the property next Aug.....where are you getting 2 years?
My solution?


Since you know everything BlueShoe..

And since you have decided I don't care..

What's your solution...??

Yes ... the upgrades to the 320 will slow......
An EMB new hire will make more quicker... but probably less overall to a previous 320 only newhire...

Instead of being so accusatory to someone.. why don't you enlighten us all?[/QUOTE]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

8vATE..........I will apologize for being accusatory. It has been VERY frustrating to watch my fellow JB pilots defending the EMB pay rates (which I believe are indefensible), and my comments have reflected my frustrations with this situation. Sorry.

As for my solution, it is quite simple and quite obvious........do the right thing and pay our EMB pilots a decent wage!
Heywood Jiblome said:

Dude, the -190 is set to be on the property next Aug.....where are you getting 2 years?

right here on this here forum. You are supposed to take delivery of your first Embraer in a year. I doubt that Embraer can deliver all of the order in one day, and I believe that I read here that the entire delivery will take two years.

Even if you get them all in one delivery, you still have given your competition a years head start by announcing your scale now.

I'm not defending nor attacking the scale, just questioning the timing of the announcement.

Maybe your management needs do something to bump your stock price? I don't know, but in this "pattern bargaining" industry, I can't figure why you would have announced an unexpectedly low wage for an airplane not yet flying.

I still believe that your competition will use your announcement to negotiate their own pay scales downward, and that obviously makes them leaner and more competitive. If I was Neeleman, I wouldn't want lean and mean competition. I'd rather them be fat and bloated.

I liken this to Lance Armstrong announcing in January that he just gained 10% more speed. The announcement just gives his competition seven months to catch up. If he keeps mum, he comes in with the advantage. Or maybe it should be compared to drawing a red two and a black three in hold-em, showing your cards before the flop, and then raising the guy who just raised you. Unless you're trying to set him up to think that you're an idiot, you just gave away the ante and whatever you spent to stay in the hand.

B6 should have just remained silent. They have no union to deal with, and didn't have to give out the pay scales until much later.

Like I said, I imagine that management from the other carriers considering small jets is just ecstatic over this turn of events.

Back to Calvin before I get too involved here.

Hobbes almost took over.

Later boys,

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