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jetblue EMB-190 pay??!!!

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What so many of the Blue-Aid drinkers here fail to realize is that it doesn't matter that the pay rate will likely end up being higher when the airplane actually flies - just by having those rates NOW you are screwing me and everyone else that flies a jet with less than 100 seats. How do you all expect the rest of us who are desperately trying to raise the bar (or at least hold it up) to be able to do it when you all will happily sell us down the river and say, "well i'll never have to fly it for those rates". I guarantee that I wont either because I am not flying a 100 seat jet for that rate. Period. Are there those that will? Of course. But not me. How do you think this will effect Coex's negotiations? Or Pinnacle's? Do you think it will be helpful? About as helpful as Mesa's POS contract was to ours no doubt. I guess it's true that aviation is cyclical because you guys just brought back the B scale in full force. Thanks alot.

A concerned regional pilot
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Twotter 76

Definitely the pilots who are responsible here...shame on us. The rates are low, I agree, and I now kneel in front of you while you take my head off. (150+ posts on this thread, yours was the most idiotic, congrats).

"just by having those rates NOW you are screwing me and everyone else that flies a jet with less than 100 seats."

JB is a business, and will do everything in it’s power to be competitive and take from it’s competition. That is the way it is in any industry in the world. Pay will increase with time, but if forced by the hand of a union, then JB will suffer the same fate all the legacy carriers are right now. You cannot pilfer a company to death and expect them to make it. When they are weak the vultures of competition will step in and pick the eyes out while you are down and out.

Things are a changing and better now then latter. When the dust blows away and things stable out, it can only go up from here.


Some of you (ASH, Twotter, etc.) seem to believe that we as a pilot group at JB went into mgmt. and said that we want these pay rates to screw all the other pilots in the industry. We are as unhappy about this as much if not more than the rest of the group. So should we refuse to work to protest our concerns, or maybe we should picket the JFK terminal. Lets see how many guys would cross the line to jumpseat home or come for our jobs. We will have an effect on mgmt. in due time regarding this issue. In the meantime, it makes no sense to get your undies in a wad at your "house" about problems at my "house". If you think that JB is bringing down your pay rates, then start making those guys who you paid your 2.5% or whatever to, to renegioate your contract and "protect" and improve your salaries. BTW, no matter how bad you flame the JB pilot group, you're still welcome in our jumpseats. All 158 of them.
don't blame us

We do not vote or have a say in the pay rate. For all of you that do not like the pay take a look at how many ALPA contracts that are being flown at the negotiated rate.
I have NEVER said nor implied that we are holding the pilot group resp. for this. I have gone out of my way to specify MGMT. The only way this could come back on your heads, is if you fail to make your voice known to the powers that be. We appreciate that some have mentioned the concern expressed for those who will be following after you. Two out of my four children aspire to be a prof. pilot someday. I'd like to preserve something they can be proud to be a part of.
Oh, and 8vATE, give it up.

The pay rates suck. Your company's business plan seems to be to pay the non-union pilots the lowest possible rate to fly a 100-seat jet.


Oh I gave it up PILOT141....

Yes the rates are low....
This industry is in shambles..
This is my fourth airline... and third major ...

So I believe I have an idea whats going on...

If you don't like the rates... go someplace else..
Why don't you check out the year 14 longevity rates at USAirways...
oh.. I forgot... those guys are furloughed..

So the EMB guys will make low to mid $80,000......
Then jump to the A320 in year 2 or 3 and make $120-$150k....

If you don't like it... go work at home depot or go back and fly your 141 for uncle sam...

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