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JetBlue DB Captain in TPA

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After 9 years at the Tranny, we're lucky to have gotten it down to 5% . . . When I started, it seemed more like 20%
After 9 years at the Tranny, we're lucky to have gotten it down to 5% . . . When I started, it seemed more like 20%

Well 5 percent real nasty pricks...But I'd say we got about 20 percent who are just in the annoying and stupid to fly with....In other words they mean well but are just dumb. Not to stereotype but the employee number is usually a dead give away - but that doesn't always work.
His crew was snickering at him enough from the back to send the vibe that he was a dildo. It got funnier when he kept a stiff posture and never turned around then said he would give HIS crew the briefing putting a major emphasis on the 150 pax load they had to FLL. I guess that was supposed to make me feel bad that I fly a small jet but it didn't.

I've never meet an uncool JB crew. Thats what was so weird, but there is always that 5%.

A 150 pax load? If I fly this number per leg I'll be out of job in few months.....

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