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JetBlue DB Captain in TPA

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Oh I can assure you this happened today on the 1pm van. I've been in the van many times now that they do the dumpster drop with JB with civies in the back and us non 121 pilots too. No IDs checked ever. Makes you feel safe doesn't it

Embassy Suites?
We don't fly TPA to FLL, just saying


He forgot to mention that you can buy a direct flight from TPA to FLL via JFK. It's a through flight with 2:45 of airport appriciation time in NYC! Why drive 2hrs when you can waste 10!

Mr discount air line pilot guy!! You too can buy a flight from FLL to LAX with stop in XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX and XXX! We're getting closer to that unsustainable SWA structure.
This story is just to damn funny not to share.

So I'm heading to the FBO in TPA to check on mx with our plane. As we approach the hotel van a JetBlue crew is getting in. The Capt shuts the door in front of me. I open the door and the capt snaps the door shut damn near shutting my fingers in the door. I go to open the door again and the capt looks at me gives me a dirty look and again snaps the door shut. At this point I am extremely confused but I am quite a bit stronger then this guy. So I pull the door open so hard that the capt nearly falls out of the van because he's trying to hold it shut. I get in his face and ask "Are we not cool enough to ride with the Blue Crew or what man??" The capt finally moves over and lets us in the van mumbling some BS under his breath. After we do the drop off at the dumpster gate the van driver starts laughing and asks what that was all about. I said I'm just as in the dark as you my friend.

I realize I'm just a corporate pilot but WTF???? I've never seen a JB crew that wasn't really nice. Anyone know this jackhole? I think someone is in need of a sock party!

$10 says that was M.M. That guy makes up about 4 of our 5%
Not a scab, and not MM (whoever that is). Story checks out though. The...ahem..."Captain" in question flew one leg with the FA's, then swapped crews.

Sorry, Jack. We're not all like this guy.
TPA to FLL could've been a repo flight, and also a revenue flight. I've done them between odd cities like this, considering the weather and cancellations around the system.

Regardless, the guy was not cool (read, unprofessional) and was obviously a master of only himself if true.

The minority speaks louder than the majority in this case.
Well, to give the guy benefit of the doubt...maybe he (our JB brother) was having a bad day and entered realm of jackhole.

I'd say 99% of the time I'm nice...even, dare I say it...cool. But sometimes life kicks you in the balls and you just don't feel like being cordial...


holding the door shut? hahaha...childish.

For the record, the great majority of us blue fellas aren't like that. I don't care what kind of plane you fly...I'd still buy you a cold one.
Just an amusing story from the road. I have a few friends at JB and at no point was the threat bashing JB. Were you that special capy-tan ?
He forgot to mention that you can buy a direct flight from TPA to FLL via JFK. It's a through flight with 2:45 of airport appriciation time in NYC! Why drive 2hrs when you can waste 10!

Mr discount air line pilot guy!! You too can buy a flight from FLL to LAX with stop in XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX and XXX! We're getting closer to that unsustainable SWA structure.


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