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JetBlue DB Captain in TPA

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This is interesting... I'd put $$ that this guy's the same as a (2nd-hand) story I heard from one of our F/Os about a flight-deck jumpseating JB CA we had on VA about a yr ago.
Story goes;
Guy was an arrogant prick from first intro (ie not acknowledging F/O, demanding a drink from lead F/A before pushback, standard dildo-ish ...read: major insecurities.. behaviors).
-Almost throughout the climb (incl sterile cockpit), he apparently queried technique of PF..inferring it was wrong technique.
-Barely through 10,000: says he needs to use lav. So the gentlemanly crew arranged it...he returns..then CA says that he may as well go also.
JB CA says something like "good thing I'm up here...always appropriate that a type-rated pilot is in flt deck at all times"...and proceeded to climb into CA's seat (WTF, btw?!). The CA then politely informs JB CA that all of our F/Os are type rated as well (partly due to short upgrade time). Apparently that really made his diminutive phallus shrink even more, as his first words to F/O were stating that he MUST HAVE meant an SIC-type. F/O proceeded to pull out his certificate to show CA jackhole that it is indeed a PIC-type. Then, apparently, began the Spanish inquisition of how much flt time f/o had, what types he'd flow, etc. (inferring that he's not worthy of being typed in something as titanic as the A320).
..i do believe that CA called JB jumpeat chair about him (just politely asking for an attitude adjustment)...but not sure.

Anyway-- like I said: gotta be the same guy, because in my experience (and by reputation) most ALL JB crew are friendly and accomodating. I like to think Karma comes back to D-bags like this & at a place like JB, where the rest are great people, the contrast really makes them stand out.
I guess there are a few bad apples everywhere. Sorry guys.
5-10% at EVERY airline. Most crew members at every airline I have ever flown for or jumpseated on are great.
Well, to give the guy benefit of the doubt...maybe he (our JB brother) was having a bad day and entered realm of jackhole.

I'd say 99% of the time I'm nice...even, dare I say it...cool. But sometimes life kicks you in the balls and you just don't feel like being cordial...


holding the door shut? hahaha...childish.

For the record, the great majority of us blue fellas aren't like that. I don't care what kind of plane you fly...I'd still buy you a cold one.


Don't butter it up. That behavior is unacceptable bad day or not. That bag of sh*t is an embarrasment.Period!
I agree with Joblu, no matter how bad ones day is, that kind of behaviour is unacceptable!
Had a funny one with a JB FA, a very entertaining 1-percenter.

We were getting picked up at the hotel downtown at a major US city, middle of the day busy sidewalks. As we and the FA's dropped are bags, the Captain notices a "chica" sitting in the front pax seat of the Econoline.

Driver says it's a JB FA. Captain says what's up, it's our company paid van, not hotel shuttle, and did she just hop in without asking? It wasn't too long after 9/11, so he also asked the driver the policy of carrying non-compnay riders. I think it was JB TDY or layover hotel also. If she had just asked the CA, he would have said yes.

The driver cops an attitude to the CA and struts up to her door, opens it barking his best Chris Farley motivational speaker voice, "come'on Missy, get out of the van, CA sez no other riders today". We both stood there for a second a little dumbfounded at his flaky act, but he was just opening the
"show" for the JB FA.

She gets out on the busy sidewalk in full JB uniform, does a 180, and proceeds to start screaming at us with a four letter tirade worthy of a convict screaming after smashing his foot with a sledge hammer. "You M#$%^#C%^&*$$%RS F##$%^&RS GOD D$%%^&&^$$$$$%%^^$$, GO %%^^^&^$%$###$%%%^^" Kind of a Rev Jeremiah Jones speech with 4-letter words.

There were people 50' up and down the sidewalk turning around as well as every head staring as the walked around her. Funniest D$$m thing I'd seen in awhile and surely broke up the monotony of a 4-day trip. I think I said to a couple of people, "Hi we're JB Pilots" as they passed by stunned. I couldn't even get in my smart arse statement, "Awww honey, the counseling should help".

She was kind of a chunky, average looking white chick in her early 20's. I was surprised because it usually takes 15 years and 3 marriages for FA's to tee off like that at my airline :D

I know it's the 1/2 of 1-Percenter after riding with you guys a few times.

It made my day.

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