And ALPA has teeth? Yes...let's go talk to those airtran guys and see what leaps and bounds they have made in their efforts to negotiate a contract since ALPA came on property.
I'm glad you asked! Since ALPA came on the property, we have gone from 171 grievances in the backlog to under 40. Since ALPA came on the property, we have gone from 5 TA'd contract sections with basically no improvements, to all but a few economic pieces remaining open, and a likely contract or release within a couple of months. Since ALPA came on the property, we have returned a contract hostage to work, and we have instituted a mandatory assessment to help out other contract hostages and other pilots who have financial difficulties. Since ALPA came on the property, we have picketed for the first time in our pilot group's history, and we have voted 98% in favor of authorizing a strike, something the independent union never could have dreamed of accomplishing.
Starting to get the picture? The AirTran pilots are quite happy with their ALPA representation.
Good luck to the JetBlue pilots. I hope to see you wearing ALPA pins very soon. You deserve a binding contract and real representation.