I used jet Tech in PHX, the timing and location were good and the price was right. They teach boeing flows, have a non rated sim in addition to the America West sims (this means more sim time), and there were only two of us in the class. All instruction was great, examiners reasonable and big picture. Hotel was VERY nice and included in the cost - no complaints.
My experience at Jet Tech was the same as above. Only two of us in my class, in fact we had more instructors teaching the class then students. Sim went perfect for us at America West and Jet Tech's sim or what they call a flight training device was a major bonus. Absolutely no compaints...
I went to JetTech in PHX a week after "qxeplt." I was happy with the program, instructors, examiners, hotel, yada yada yada. I liked the Wyndham PHX Airport... big buffet spread for breakfast! The hotel gives you a coupon for free breakfast during your stay. You know the drill: Get downstairs early, load up on the free food, then save $$$ later in the day because you're not all that hungry. That's an old "commuter dog" for you.
The AWA sim (737-200) wasn't being used much either. This allowed for some scheduling flexibility. My sim partner and I were able to get in earlier than scheduled for most of the sessions. I think the "K&S" guys (the other type rating school in PHX) were using it too... if I remember correctly. Other than that, the AWA sim was pretty quiet.
RightBettor (formerly UAL737inLA)
"Get that finger out of your ear! You don't know where that finger's been!"
I went to Jet Tech as well. Can't say enough good things about their instruction, syllabus, instructors.
The only negative to me was the lack of tie-ins to SWA. When I went through, Jet-Tech had no interaction with SWA in official or unofficial capacity. The owner of Higher Power, I have heard, is on friendly terms with most of the people at the Dallas training center, has been used as a reference with SWA, and has close ties with some SWA pilots. Additionally, when I go to start at Southwest, it will have been over a year since I will have even seen the inside of a 737 sim. Both Jet-Tech and HP will allow you to audit ground school stuff again, but I ask you, which one is more conveniently located?
You won't go wrong with Jet-Tech in the quality of their training for the 737. It just seems like there may be a little edge with SWA in Higher Power.
About 4 or five months ago I got an email from the old Jet Tech group. They said they were back in Phoenix and offering the 737 type with all the original instructors from before, but operating under a different business as opposed to Pan Am Academy. I can't remember the operation off the top of my head. I will look for that email and post it when I get home from my trip tomorrow.
Higher Power Aviation in DAL does have a close relationship with SWA since they are in the same area. SWA people department try to come over every Friday to talk to the classes & answer questions. There are several SWA instructors who are on the HPA staff as sim instructors & ground instructors (me included, that's my disclaimer).
1. The hotel is convenient & reasonable.
2. Monday's lunch (pizza) and Thursday's lunch (Mark Stern's-the president-treats all instructors and students to a free lunch at Friday's overlooking the Texas Ranger outfield) are provided.
3. Instruction is 2nd to none (unless you get me as an instructor). Highly experienced guys teaching the ground school (most are ground school instructors at major airlines also) with high tech PP visual aids & large electric panels (newly added this week courtesy of a garage sale from a major carrier) that allow a clear picture of how things work.
4. Have all the contacts to work WIA type stuff & sort through the red tape.
5. Great staff who will work with you regardless of the problem.
6. They provide for all students a briefing from a airline HR professional with 18 years of hiring experience with a major airline. She gives great insight into good/bad interview techniques & things to consider.
7. New on-site simulator (no motion/visual) will be up & running shortly. This will provide a great resource to students prior to going into the sim. Sim will be maintained professionally & will be fully functional in the near future. Great training aid in the room right next door to the ground training room!!
8. Quality of training is sufficient to have the Navy choose HPA to provide all their C-40 (Navy version of -700 w/800 wings) training for their squadrons.
I'm obviously biased but if you want more than just a type when you get done, you'd have a hard time finding a better operation than HPA IMHO.
PM me if you have other questions or wish to talk more. Be glad to talk over the phone if you'd prefer.
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